💌 #copmonthly's second anniversary, not a single month without helpful community members! August 2023 #copmonthly

To my surprise, I’d missed that last August was the second anniversary for the copmonthly and since this post has been a great opportunity to recognize helpful and active members over the past three years, it’d still be a good idea to celebrate this anniversary. We can say that not a single month passes without community members sharing and exchanging their knowledge and experiences which is greatly honored, and in the copmonthly post we tag helpful members, feature finders, and bug hunters as well as the top 10 active users to thank them for their participation. You might also enjoy having a look at the top topic of the month, DHIS2-Challenges and the copmonthly map. How would you like to celebrate the anniversary? Congratulations to you all! :heartpulse: :tada::heart_eyes:

Top Topics in the Community for August 2023

Last month the Maldives Ministry of Health shared an update on how the Maldives Electronic Immunization Registry national roll out is going. It’s good to see that this topic received many views and has been marked as the top topic of the month:

Additionally, although subscription to the HISP SA DHIS2 Foundation course is now closed, it’s important to note that the announcement of this free and online DHIS2 Foundation course received a lot of community interest. Make sure to subscribe early next time! DHIS2 Foundation Course - On-line or sign up for our ongoing self-paced courses at https://academy.dhis2.org/

If you are a server administrator or interested in learning more about this topic, you might find this discussion interesting with some helpful tips: Manually update dhis2 database and java on LXC

Finally, one of the topics that received many views last month is from Rwanda:
In French: Le Burundi a mené une enquête sur la tuberculose multirésistante en utilisant le DHIS2 pour déterminer les taux de résistance aux médicaments chez les patients atteints de tuberculose
In English: Burundi conducted a survey on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis using DHIS2 to determine drug resistance rates among TB patients

BTW, for all copmonthly fans thank you for your interest, last month we received 200 views for the previous monthly post. :star:


In last month’s challenge the first person to vote the correct answer was: @jthomas :tada: Congratulations! All who participated receive the CoP Activity Winner badge today. To see last month’s challenge and view the answers click here.

The challenge for this month (August 2023):

Have you used the Maps app in DHIS2? If you have, then you are well aware that there are three main layers in DHIS2 which are thematic, facilities, and boundaries.

In addition to choosing the correct answer to the question below, feel free to share a post of a map visualization that you created using the DHIS2 Maps app! :grin::heart_eyes::+1:

The main layers mentioned are used to:
  • Style and customize the map
  • Display non-aggregated tracker data
  • Analyze aggregated data
  • Import / Export maps data
0 voters

[First person to answer correctly will be mentioned in the next copmonthly]

HINT: If you are not sure what the main map layers (thematic, facilities, and boundaries) in the DHIS2 Maps app do, you can find out by taking our free online course, Aggregate Data Analysis Fundamentals

Top 10 Active Users in August 2023

Username Name Country
@Norah_Stoops Norah Stoops SOUTH AFRICA
@Matthew_Boddie Matthew Boddie DOMINICA
@sami.oracle10g Sami Yassin Abdulsallam Hazzaa YEMEN
@emad Emad Kamal YEMEN
bhaindapa1 Benjamin Haindapa PAPUA NEW GUINEA
@Quoda Clement Bempong Danso GHANA
@arnold Arnold Marowa ZIMBABWE
@blen blen ETHIOPIA
@sami.abdulsattar Sami YEMEN

And thanks to all helpful members (August 2023),

Good Samaritans

Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@sekiskylink | @riwaj.amakomaya | @sami12111 | @kwebihaf | @BernardMasache | @Norah_Stoops | @Gerald_Thomas | @rehabm | @lnunez | @dkusiima | @Christian_Rechdan | @Amza | @ACoetzer1988 | @R_Sri_Laxmi_Ragini | @LutfullahShifaa | @dmaritim | @jthomas | @Shapr0019 | @vikwato | @dmnscar | @Ulanbek | @Roland_Ato_Doughan | @sami12111 | @tuzoengelbert | @abdimohammed | @omielp | @e4eDHIS2 | @mutali | @blen | @priyanga

Bug Hunters

Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.
@nnkogift | @mutali | @kstankevitz | @lnunez | @emad

Feature Finders

We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post in the Development - Développement category as well as share the link to the dhis2.atlassian.net feature request issue so other members can watch and vote. :+1:
@jthomas | @mutali | @Matthew_Boddie | @sami.oracle10g

copmonthly map

Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged above but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.

Want to be added to the copmonthly map?

  1. Complete your profile info (profile picture + country)
  2. Members with the above info are tagged in the map when they help other community members