📚 July 2023 #copmonthly, Community Members Love Learning and Sharing

@jthomas , @joseph , @birkbjo , @Rene , @nnkogift , @Matthew_Boddie Correct! :partying_face:

@Shapr0019 , @tiha , @Felisberto_Alique , @ericchingalo , that works but it isn’t exactly the account configured for android.

Could anyone tell what’d be the difference between an account that is configured for android and an account that isn’t? :smile:

@Matthieu :sweat_smile: the first vote is the officially configured demo account for android :pray:

Thank you all so much for participating! I hope you can have a look at this month’s DHIS2 Challenges. If you haven’t it’s about DHIS2 Maps (and the question is from the DHIS2 Aggregate Data Analysis Fundamentals course). See you there, 💌 #copmonthly's second anniversary, not a single month without helpful community members! August 2023 #copmonthly

:slight_smile: :heartpulse:

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