Introduce yourself

Welcome to the DHIS2 community @WENDY


3 posts were split to a new topic: New to DHIS2, and looking for a simple way to install DHIS2?

Very well, thanks for the warm welcome.


Hi everyone. Am Nelson Orego from Nairobi, Kenya. Am glad to be here and am looking forward to engage with community members in initiatives that add value to members. Am interested in DHIS2 development and systems integration.


Hi. My name is David Lemayian. I’m a software engineer, writer, and innovator. I work alongside individuals and organizations using technology to solve problems and create opportunities.

Previously I helped kickstart Code for Africa (CfA), the continent’s largest network of open data and civic technology labs, and served as its Chief Technologist / CTO and Executive Director.

You can find my musings at


Hello everyone! my name is Bernard Kamfosi, I work with Clinton Health Access Initiative as Health Informatics Associate. I am currently based in Cambodia supporting DHIS2 implementation in Laos and Myanmar for Malaria Surveillance.

It’s great to be part of this community and I look forward to learning from you all


Welcome to the community @norego18, @DavidLemayian, and @Bernard_Kamfosi! :tada::tada: Thank you for your interest in community and we’re looking forward to your engagement, participation, and ideas. :pray:

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Am Frank Edu. A Nigerian’ Citizen. Just few days that I was enrolled into DHIS2. I have not been involved in any project of implemention.


Hi I’m excited to join this community of experts
Am based in Ghana working with Ghana Health Service. DHIS2 is the main platform for health data capture and reporting and I’ve been working with this for years but feel, is importance to join this community to enable me share and learn from other users as well.


Peace for peopeace for people of DHIS2 , my name is Shemsu Oumer Ebro
i am so excited to join DHIS2 community, Currently am working as DHIS2 and eCHIS lecturer in ethiopia

I was silent DHIS2 community member for about eight years now, working with thiopian ministry Regional Health science college to provide technical support on DHIS2/HMIS national health data repository to

  • Maintain and customize national health data repository (DHIS2 implementation)
  • Develop and maintain DHIS apps to manitain he needs of ministry of health and to strength national data handling and enhance data use culture for Evidance based care .

My name is David Selbach from Germany. I am a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons and currently training Surgeons in Ethiopia. As interested in Research I am happy to join the community.


My name is Ashan Ndalama geographically from Malawi,Africa. I currently work as a Statistical Clerk with Elizabeth Grazer Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF),which is in partnership with Malawi Government under Ministry of Health.i am here by following up advanced and skillful ways in a cloud based software called DHIS2 in nature. Therefore, my work is now demanding some good skills like these in this course .

Best Regards
Ashan Ndalama.


Hi everyone. This is Dr Valan from India


Bonjour Chitan KEITA ! C’est merveilleux d’entendre parler de vos travaux en entomologie-parasitologie et de votre collaboration avec le DHIS2 au Mali. Je vous souhaite un succès continu dans vos efforts de recherche et de collecte de données !


Hello all,
My name is Francis Adjei Osei from Ghana. I work with Non-governmental organisations to implement public health programs. My area of expertise is Management Information Systems and Research. I am delighted to be in this community of experts with a common goal to advance strategic information for action for improved Global Health.

Thank you,


Hi @FRANK2, @Andoph, @Shemsdhis, @tembodogo, @ashan_ndalama, @drvalan , @Violy, @fao

Big Welcome to the DHIS2 Community of Practice :tada::clap:

Thank you for the introductions… looking forward to seeing you more and more engaged here in the CoP! :heart_eyes:

Hi. I am Apolosi Vosanibola and works for UNFPA in the Pacific Region based in Suva Fiji. My role is RHCS Program Analyst. This is my first interaction with DHIS2 (not even V 1.0) as I have heard about and seen some of the introductions through other sources. I would like to see data speaks in languages that can be easily understood and move people and systems to improve the lives of girls and women.


Iam Somali person who is resident in Hargeisa city Somaliland state
so i need to help me as soon as possible


Hi All,
My name is Timothy and I a based in Muchinga Province, Chinsali Dsitrict of Zambia. I work in Planning, Monitoring, Budgeting & Finance managment in the Ministry of Health. We use DHIS2 as a platform for Planning, Resources Moblisation and Allocation Monitoring and Evalution as well as information sharing (through dashboards, maps, charts, etc.) among actors regarding crisis alerts, performance assessments conducted (by sector and by region, district, and commune). As the Planner, I utilise mostly for institutional peromance assessments and resources allocation. This also invovles data collection, usership, and creation and updating of dashboards on the DHIS2 online platform. I look forward to interacting with others to learn more about DHIS2 functionalities and also applications


Hi everyone,

I am Andrew Mzembe, I am from Malawi. I am currently not using DHIS2, however I am interested in this magnificent Information System to position myself for the projects requiring DHIS2 system knowledge.

I look forward to learning from all of you.