Introduce yourself

Some of us have been part of the DHIS2 community for years, while others may be completely new. Either way, we’re excited to get to know you better! Please introduce yourself and share a bit about your background.

Here are a few ideas help you get started:

  • Where you are based or in what countries you work?
  • How you got involved with DHIS2
  • What kind of DHIS2 implementations or projects you’ve been part of
  • Any links of interest? (e.g., Twitter, GitHub, blog) This helps others connect with you. If you have shared your CV/resume in the Marketplace , please share a link to the topic post so others can connect with you.
  • Any fun facts or hobbies you’d like to mention?

While you’re here:

  • Welcome new members: Once you introduce yourself, why not drop a message to welcome others who’ve recently joined? Community is all about connection! :heart:
  • Take the welcome tutorial with Discobot: Our friendly automated forum guide, Discobot, sent you a welcome message with tips on how to use the forum’s features. Check it out if you haven’t already! There’s a :gift: waiting for you!
  • Check out the #CoPMonthly: This is our monthly community spotlight post, where we recognize community members like you! Check out previous copmonthly posts to learn about popular topics and see how other members are contributing. :star2:

This topic is exclusively for introductions, so feel free to explore the categories for any other discussions. We’re looking forward to learning more about you and seeing how you contribute to our vibrant community!

P.S. If you’re reading this topic but are not signed up yet, feel free to create an account or log in to join the conversation and connect with others!


I am excited to see our communities grow and let us share and learn together. Great launch at #DHIS2experts academy in Oslo this year…


Fantastic initiative … will allow our community to grow


:wave: Hi DHIS2ers, I’m Yaw and I’m excited to see this forum launch! Perhaps I can start with a quick description of the two things I do…

  1. I’m a founder and maintainer on Open Data Kit (ODK). The ODK community produces free and open-source mobile data collection software.
  2. I’m also CEO at Nafundi, a company that creates technologies that improve the lives of the underserved. Our focus these days is making ODK better for folks working in polio and malaria.

I’ve been a silent member of the DHIS2 community for years, but I’m hoping with this new forum, I can become a more active member! I’m particularly interested in finding ways that the ODK and DHIS2 communities can work together to help the underserved.

You can find me on Twitter, Github, and pretty much everything else as @yanokwa.


Hello communities members :wave:t2:,

happy to see you all on our new platform supporting dhis2.

I’m working for the University of Oslo, coordinating the efforts around the dhis2 online academy and contributing to a various other dhis2 related initiatives, such as this platform and implementations.

Cheers, Matthieu


Hi :wave:

I work at UiO as frontend architect for DHIS2 web apps.

My primary hobbies are :motorcycle::weight_lifting_man::desktop_computer::books:, and I am always on the lookout for interesting-yet-useless trivia.

See you around.



My name is Imran. Working as a Independent consultant (eHealth). Working with TB, HIV and Malaria programs in Southern African and South East Asian Region. Eager to learn DHIS2, as I am aiming to introduce DHIS2 on one of the projects I am working on. All of your support will be appreciated.




I am the technical lead for DHIS 2. Based at UiO in Oslo, Norway. Been part of DHIS 2 from the beginning and engaged in many ministry, country and NGO projects.


I’m Jim Grace, a backend dhis2 developer working in the U.S. (Indiana, Eastern Time), with a background in operating systems, databases, networking, and web applications. Areas I’ve been involved in the design and/or code of dhis2 include data approval, predictors, data validation, ADX, the PEPFAR implementation (DATIM), attribute option combinations, sharing, and upcoming planned analytics expression enhancements. I recently lived in Kenya for nine years.


I’m Markus Bekken, Tracker deputy product manager and team lead. Supporting countries and NGOs, but mainly working with the DHIS2 core team - involved in lesser or bigger extent in most topics related to Tracker development.


Looking forward to learning from you. We use DATIM for our progress reporting and have since deployed our Organisational DHIS2 instance and we hope over time to mimic DATIM for many indicators. AM sure we’ll have a lot to learn from you and looking forward to it.


Hi All,

Am Walusiku JM currently leading the DHIS2 deployment for CIDRZ as one of our main data collection tool. Currently we are using both Aggregate and Tracker Domains with about 3 or more programs running under Data Entry, Tracker and Event Capture apps. We mainly use the backend for data analysis and after the first Tracker Academy in Sri Lanka, we hope to utilize a lot of front end Analysis. Looking forward to learning more here!


My name is Stanley Kalyati and i am based in Malawi,Southern Africa.I am currently working for FHI360.

I started working with DHIS2 a few years back when i attended the DHIS2 Academy here in Lilongwe,Malawi and then i attended the Lake Kivu,Rwanda Academy.Ever since i have not switched to another data collection system.

I have developed quite a number of systems with DHIS2,within my organisation and also other Organisations.

I am not a fun of twitter,i think am a bit backward.I shy from social media as it takes away my concentration.

I love to travel and visit new places.I believe the world is a nice place to live in.

Thank you


I’m Martin, I’m working at Bluesquare in Belgium. We’re a health and data company dedicated to help health resources to go where they matter the most.

We’ve been heavily invested in the DHIS2 ecosystems since a couple of years, helping customers to use it at its best and building some products around it.

Happy to be here :wave:



Hi, I’m Sam. I’m based in Bristol (UK) and work with a number of different organisations on HMIS and DHIS2 projects, including national HMIS implementations in Southern and West Africa.

Although my main role is usually assessing, planning and/or strengthening national or NGO roll-outs, I still do quite a bit of technical work on Tracker and aggregate DHIS2 systems. I work in English, French and Portuguese.

I’m particularly interested in data quality approaches/tools/best practice, and in how to strengthen the use of data by frontline staff. I’m also fascinated by machine learning and its potential, but am still just at the dabbling stage with that one…


Hi everyone! I am one of the oldest members on this forum, and even created the original “Introduce yourself” post, but realized I have not even introduced myself. :angel:

I am Karoline, I am a DHIS2 Project Coordinator at University of Oslo.

I coordinate and manage HISP projects, mainly around malaria elimination and disease surveillance. I am part of the UiO CoP team and follow up the Case-Based Surveillance Community in particular.

Other interests include: :airplane: :cat2: :books: :beers: :computer: :musical_note: :coffee:


Hi everyone,

I’m Pamod from HISP Sri Lanka. I’m based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I serve as an implementer and a trainer in DHIS2 in Sri Lanka and several countries in the region. I’m from a background of medical, public health as well as informatics.

Happy to be here !


Hi, Vikwato here. Currently based in Zambia and got involved with DHIS2 at Center for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia where it is used mainly for aggregate data and patient level tracking in some cases. Feel free to give a follow on Twitter, @vikwato


Hie Martin , its Benson from Zimbabwe.Good to know we on the same community, looking forward to do business with you