Interesting Community Discussions and Activity - #copmonthly Jan 2023

Our community members started this year with a great motivation to support each other and have interesting discussions with DHIS2 experts. The discussions included security questions, server questions, and as usual app development discussions as well as an invitation for the community to participate with ideas for an EMIS solution. What are the discussions that interest you the most? We’ll highlight some of the topics below, but first let’s highlight the top topics of the month.

Top Topics in the Community for January 2023

The first top topic of the month with the most views is the Weekly Server Admin Meeting Series announcement. You can find the links to the invitation as well as the recordings in the topic.

In less than 24 hours before posting this monthly post, an exhaustive user-story from Uganda posted by Prosper Behumbiize became the most liked post of the month:

Have you participated in any EMIS discussion, webinar, or event? Please share your experiences with the community, Education. Here’s an interesting activity, let’s see who will be the first to get it right. What is the URL of the site that the screenshot above is taken from? The first person to answer correctly will win the “CoP Activity Winner badge.”

And the winner is: @Quoda :crown: :tada:

Open question: have you checked out the site above?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No, but will check it out
0 voters

The activity above was inspired by one of the interesting discussions during this month:

Another interesting discussion which interested the dhis2-security team is How to enforce 2FA Authentication?

A server discussion and an app development discussion that were popular this month:

And (my personal favorite) a discussion topic where community members were contributing ideas, solutions, and challenges about the same issue:

Top 10 Active Users in January 2023

User Name Country
@Ulanbek Ulanbek KYRGYZSTAN
@jetisco4u Jet NIGERIA
@Shapr0019 Shapr0019 ZIMBABWE
@jamal_aljadan Mohammad Jamal Al Jadan SYRIA
@chase.freeman Chase Freeman UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
@carlos.massavanhane Carlos Alberto Massavanhane Júnior MOZAMBIQUE
@dmbantu davuya MOZAMBIQUE
@Tedson Tedson Simwanza ZAMBIA
@Waheed James Wani Longa Poijo SOUTH SUDAN

# And thanks to all helpful members (January 2023),

Good Samaritans

Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@asifkhan | @dmnscar | @Kenyuri | @antony.sibanda | @ayman.tuffaha | @Sdn | @rukshan | @lillian1n2 | @kstankevitz | @masgarinia | @e4eDHIS2 | @elimane | @Ulanbek | @rithvik | @Barnabas_Akumba | @katherinelew | @WaluQ | @Tedson | @elmoujarrade | @MiltonIsaya | @jamal_aljadan | @Rolando_Casigna | @Tarun | @Norah_Stoops | @ndaceney | @jthomas | @chase.freeman | @Matthew_Boddie | @cristina.barrena

Bug Hunters

Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.
@Sneha_Gudi | @Hiwot_Chichaybelu | @jetisco4u | @chase.freeman | @mlennert | @sele | @jamal_aljadan

Feature Finders

We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post in the Development - Développement category as well as share the link to the feature request issue so other members can watch and vote. :+1:

@chase.freeman | @Eric_Boyd_Ramirez | @jthomas

copmonthly map

Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged above but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.

Want to be added to the copmonthly map?

  1. Complete your profile info (profile picture + country)
  2. Members with the above info are tagged in the map when they help other community members

Glad to be part of this. January was another milestone month for me in understanding how the Data Visualizer app and dashboard work. But I am still exploring and discovering more possibilities with the implementation of Visualizer, Legends and Widget dashboard especially from third party API… But I will use the bulk of this month on USSD implementation and working on the database and the server.

I look forward to more support from the community.

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Thank you for sharing about your experience! Looking forward to hearing more about your projects and initiatives.

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It’s always nice to be part of this community. One of the most helpful communities online… Thumbs up to all the members! :+1:t5:

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Thank you @WaluQ for being a helpful and active member, and thanks for the post! :heart_hands:

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Thanks for voting @chase.freeman, @Matthew_Boddie, @lillian1n2, and @ayman.tuffaha! To confirm the screenshot is taken from

@Quoda, thank you for voting and congratulations on winning the badge. :tada: You can view it here:

Thank you all! (:

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