Thursday, 19 March from 12-13:00 GMT.
See the announcement for more details: Live Online Q&A on DHIS2 COVID-19 Surveillance - Thursday 19 March, 12-13:00 GMT
Add your questions below as replies to this post!
Thursday, 19 March from 12-13:00 GMT.
See the announcement for more details: Live Online Q&A on DHIS2 COVID-19 Surveillance - Thursday 19 March, 12-13:00 GMT
Add your questions below as replies to this post!
Hi, I am Rosario, eHealth Epidemiologist in MSF OCBA
Hi @Rosario! Welcome to the community. Please let us know if you have any questions about COVID-19 surveillance
I got a few :).
We are interested in using your tracker, but our projects will have to report to their MoH through the WHO Excel.
I wonder if you if you have thought of an Excel exportation or something similar or if you know if the WHO would eventually acept a direct reporting from the tracker
Q2. We heard you are working on an even program for COVID: Any expected deadline to be ready?
Hi Rosario, we plan to release an event program for line-listing later today. We will announce in the COP as well.
And with that functionality, you can use the event reports app + download to Excel to have the information in Excel format
Good copy
, so I understand that it will be downloaded to an excel template but not to the same WHO format
That sounds great. One of our fears is the real ability of our teams to use a tracker. Many of them are only familiar with the tool for aggregated data. Also if we would have the capacity to support them once the epidemic reaches all our projects
Events would be more simple to use.
Hello, Thx a lot for this session.
our team is working on Senegal MoH DHIS2 instance and we noticed some little difference between the COVID-19 module on the DHIS2 website and the one you published. Can we expect to have a stable version asap?
Also, when could we expect to have the 2nd program related to Contact follow up (Contact of confirmed cases)?
@Rebecca for the event program being released - can you give us an idea as to how similar the content it will be with the WHO linelist excel and with the tracker program that has already been release?
Hi Maguette. Could you let us know what differences you are seeing?
In response to your second question, we are hoping to release the program on contact tracing & follow-up later today.
Hi there,
Thanks for this Q&A. If I understood well, there’s not a way to export data in the MHOS linelist format. The only possible workaround is to wait for the event program and then download the data in a common excel file, am I right? Have anyone thought on the other way around? like importing data from the MHOS linelist to a DHIS2 instance?
Hi Kris. The event program will be a small subset of key data points; this is in response to experts who have informed us countries may quickly be overwhelmed with increasing caseloads and unable to manage the !84 data points in the full line list. In order to generate the full WHO linelisting ( it is suggested to use the tracker program. We will be updating out documentation to include a mapping of COVID casebased surveillance tracker metadata to the WHO line-list.
Hi Eric. Is the MHOS linelist format the same as the standard WHO line-list format? ( It is possible to use the Event Reports and download data to an excel file. There are various strategies for importing data as well. However it is important to note that the Event Program we are releasing is not a full version of the WHO line list as we have been advised this is not feasible for many countries and data quality suffers tremendously. The Tracker program aligns to the WHO line-list data dictionary; however the soon-to-be-released COVID Event program will contain only ~15 of the most critical data points for analysis.
Which country are you working in? Do you happen to know if the MOHS is interested in the DHIS2 COVID packages?
Thanks to everyone who participated! The “Live” part of this Q&A is now over, but we will leave this thread open for anyone else who wants to add questions – or feel free to start your own thread in the COVID-19 category.