Import Wizard App Import Challenges


My team and I use the ‘Import Wizard App’ to map excel data to an event program in dhis2. However, we’ve noticed a few issues regarding the import process.

They are …

  1. Non-mandatory data elements with a value type ‘Date’ that are blank in the excel data are imported as the date of import instead of blank. Is it possible to skip the blank values as the app does with other data value types? As a work-around we have put ‘NA’ for all missing dates to create conflicts within the app.
  2. Using multiple versions of the app, I am unable to load more than ~450 rows of data going from the ‘6. Map Program Stages’ tab to the ‘7. Import Data’ tab within the app. Is there a new limit to the number of cases being imported? Is there a step I’m missing? This worked well in v1.0.1 and v1.0.2.
  3. We are still having trouble seeing metadata changes in a saved mapping, described here.

@prosper @carapai can you provide any insights into these challenges we’re facing? Are these known issues that are being considered for the future app updates?

Thank you!

Dear @lnfregos,

I have pinged @carapai and @prosper as well, so they will hopefully get back to you soon.

Best regards,

At WHO we are using an application called Bulk Load to upload data from excel and it is working very well. It generates templates automatically from any data set or even program on the fly (reflecting any changes in the program). No complicated mapping needed.

The new version of this app was just released in case you wanna check it out!: Bulk Load app 3.5.1 now available
GitHub - EyeSeeTea/Bulk-Load-blessed

Hope this helps!


Hello Lauren,

Can you explain how can i import data using import wizard app to dhis2 (using a spreedsheat from excel)

Best regards:)

Hello @joaoC,
What data are you trying to export? Have you checked out the docs?

I hope you will find this page useful: Home - DHIS2 Documentation

Additionally, depending on the data you are trying to import using CSV then you should stick to the format mentioned in this docs (this one is if the data is Data Elements, for example): Home - DHIS2 Documentation

Please let me know how it goes! :+1:

Hello Al-Gassim,

I am just trying to export a simple spreadsheet created from excel:)

Thank for your response

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