Bulk Load app 3.5.1 now available

Bulk Load app 3.5.1

Bulk Load is a DHIS2 Web Application to generate templates (Excel sheets) for datasets and programs and import multiple data values (as aggregated or events) into DHIS2 instances.

Bulk Load can:

  • Generate on-the-fly an Excel template reading the metadata from a program/dataset
  • Populate the template with the data the server has
  • Load at once all data in filled in the templates detecting overrides and duplicates

We are announcing the new release version 3.5.1 of Bulk Load.

View on Github

New Features

This new version of Bulk Load app includes the following new features:

  • Add Attribute option combo for data sets
  • Mandatory fields are labelled with a * in the excel template
  • Add Portuguese as a language
  • Add translations for Portuguese, French and Spanish
  • Bugfixes: please find the detail of bugs in the detailed release notes

  • Release Information Links
    Installable zip file Download
    Source code on Github Download

    Funded by:
    Developed by:

    Thanks, exactly what we need.


    @ifoche this great, as others say this is what we all were looking for. can event id be blank when we populate the template? or is there a way to generate event id?

    @Derebe Thank you! It’s been a hard work from our team and WHO that funded and co-designed the tool

    Sure you can leave event id blank and the system will understand that it is a new event what you provide. To populate the template with event ids, you just have to check the checkbox “Populate template with data” when generating the template. Then, if any data exists for the given dates, the events will be populated in the template, so you can decide to modify them offline and later upload them back to the platform.

    You will see that there’s a setting defining the detection of duplicates. The app will detect:

    1. If there is data with event UID…which will only be updated instead of generating duplicates
    2. Will check whethere there is any existing event that can be consider as a duplicate of what you sent and propose you to continue loading them, import only what’s not a duplicate or cancel the operation

    The definition of duplicates is also a setting. You can decide which DEs are considered when analyzing what’s a duplicate, and you can also define the time frame to look for a duplicate around every event.

    I hope you’ll like it!


    Thank you gain @ifoche I was trying to import and I encountered duplicate records imported. any advice on how to remove duplicates?

    Hi @Derebe. Unfortunately, the app can detect duplicates of what you’re about to import and avoid loading them into the system if you don’t want to do it, but it doesn’t have any feature to deal with what’s already in the system (removing previously existing duplicates). However, if you didn’t tell the app to go ahead with the import of duplicates, it shouldn’t do it.


    @ifoche Thank you again I am using the app frequently. Today I got the below error. it seems it is related to option sets. can help what excatly is the issues and what should I do.
    ${programStage.executionDateLabel ?? “Date”} *`

            if (programStage.programStageSections.length === 0) {
                    dataElements: programStage.programStageDataElements.map(e => e.dataElement),
                    id: programStageT.id,
            _.forEach(programStage.programStageSections, programStageSectionT => {
                const programStageSection = programStageSectionT.dataElements
                    ? programStageSectionT
                    : metadata.get(programStageSectionT.id);
                const firstColumnId = columnId;
                _.forEach(programStageSection.dataElements, dataElementT => {
                    const dataElement = metadata.get(dataElementT.id);
                    const { name, description } = this.translate(dataElement);
                    const validation = dataElement.optionSet
                        ? dataElement.optionSet.id
                        : dataElement.valueType;
                    dataEntrySheet.column(columnId).setWidth(name.length / 2.5 + 10);
                    if (description !== undefined) {
                        dataEntrySheet.cell(itemRow, columnId).comment(description, {
                            height: "100pt",
                            width: "160pt",
                if (firstColumnId < columnId)
                        .cell(sectionRow, firstColumnId, sectionRow, columnId - 1, true)


    SheetBuilder.prototype.toBlob = async function () {
    try {
    const data = await this.workbook.writeToBuffer();
    return new Blob([data], {
    type: “application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet”,
    } catch (error) {
    console.error(“Failed building/downloading template”);
    throw error;

    SheetBuilder.prototype.translate = function (item) {
    const { elementMetadata, language } = this.builder;
    const translations = item?.translations?.filter(({ locale }) => locale === language) ?? [];

    const { value: formName } = translations.find(({ property }) => property === "FORM_NAME") ?? {};
    const { value: regularName } = translations.find(({ property }) => property === "NAME") ?? {};
    const { value: shortName } =
        translations.find(({ property }) => property === "SHORT_NAME") ?? {};
    const defaultName = item?.displayName ?? item?.formName ?? item?.name;
    const name = formName ?? regularName ?? shortName ?? defaultName;
    const { value: description = item?.description } =
        translations.find(({ property }) => property === "DESCRIPTION") ?? {};
    if (item?.type === "categoryOptionCombos" && name === defaultName) {
        const options = item?.categoryOptions?.map(({ id }) => {
            const element = elementMetadata.get(id);
            const { name } = this.translate(element);
            return name;
        return { name: options.join(", "), description };
    } else {
        return { name, description };


    SheetBuilder.prototype.createColumn = function (
    groupId = null,
    validation = null,
    validationMessage = “Invalid choice was chosen”,
    defaultLabel = false
    ) {
    const cell = sheet.cell(rowId, columnId);

    if (!defaultLabel) cell.style(groupId !== null ? this.groupStyle(groupId) : baseStyle);
    else {
        cell.style(groupId !== null ? this.groupStyle(groupId) : baseStyle).style(
    if (label.startsWith("_")) cell.formula(label);
    else cell.string(label);
    if (validation !== null) {
        const ref = `${Excel.getExcelAlpha(columnId)}${rowId + 1}:${Excel.getExcelAlpha(
            type: "list",
            allowBlank: true,
            error: validationMessage,
            errorStyle: "warning",
            showDropDown: true,
            sqref: ref,
            formulas: [validation.toString()],
        sheet.addConditionalFormattingRule(ref, {
            type: "expression", // the conditional formatting type
            priority: 1, // rule priority order (required)
            formula: `ISERROR(MATCH(${Excel.getExcelAlpha(columnId)}${
                rowId + 1
            },${validation.toString().substr(1)},0))`, // formula that returns nonzero or 0
            style: this.workbook.createStyle({
                font: {
                    bold: true,
                    color: "FF0000",
            }), // a style object containing styles to apply


    SheetBuilder.prototype.transparentFontStyle = function (groupId) {
    const { palette = defaultColorScale } = this.builder.theme ?? {};

    return {
        font: {
            color: palette[groupId % palette.length],


    SheetBuilder.prototype.groupStyle = function (groupId) {
    const { palette = defaultColorScale } = this.builder.theme ?? {};
    return {
    fill: {
    type: “pattern”,
    patternType: “solid”,
    fgColor: palette[groupId % palette.length],


    • Common cell style definition
    • @type {{alignment: {horizontal: string, vertical: string, wrapText: boolean, shrinkToFit: boolean}}}
      const baseStyle = {
      alignment: {
      horizontal: “center”,
      vertical: “center”,
      wrapText: true,
      shrinkToFit: true,
      fill: {
      type: “pattern”,
      patternType: “solid”,
      fgColor: “ffffff”,

    const protectedSheet = {
    sheetProtection: {
    sheet: true,
    formatCells: false,
    formatColumns: false,
    formatRows: false,
    password: “Wiscentd2019!”,

    @ifoche I also get the following when I tried to upload data using the template downloaded. please support.

    1. {httpStatus: “Internal Server Error”, httpStatusCode: 500, status: “ERROR”,…}

    2. httpStatus: “Internal Server Error”

    3. httpStatusCode: 500

    4. message: “query did not return a unique result: 7”

    5. status: “ERROR”

    1 Like

    Will this work with dhis version 2.34 or 2.35? Has anyone tested this?

    @Junaid_Mufti Yes, the application officially supports version 2.34. And while version 2.35 is not officially supported yet, everything should work as expected. If you face any issue with newer versions please report them with the builtin feedback tool. Thanks!

    1 Like

    Hi @ifoche does this version complete the datasets that are imported?

    Hi @adam. Unfortunately this version still doesn’t implement that functionality. But we have received some requests to implement it, so we are pretty sure it will come in one of the next ones.

    1 Like

    Pivot Tables/graphs that were formed using 3.2 are still not updating in 2.3.1.
    Secondly in Tracker Capture list of patients registered is not showing on data entry page.
    Data approval is not functioning.
    Please resolve these issues as soon as possible.

    Dear @Shafaqat,

    If you could please create those issues with as much detail as possible through the feedback tool embedded in the app, we would really appreciate and would give us some help in detecting and replicating those possible failures. However, unfortunately, we cannot guarrantee a delay in solving the issues, unless you have some funding to implement them. We’re a company and we’re working hard to include the solution to as many issues as possible anytime a client requests for a new version. So happy to discuss about any project proposal around Bulk Load that you may have.

    Best regards

    Dear @ifoche,

    Thanks for the great work on this feature.

    Just to clarify:
    This Bulk Load App supports only ‘data sets’ and ‘event programs’ not Tracker programs

    I was trying to import data for the DHIS2 Tracker and found that this option isn’t there/yet. I opted data import wizard option.

    Let me know your thoughts on this.


    1 Like

    Dear @Josue ,

    Sorry for that. Actually the app was not up to date in the apps hub. We’ve just uploaded the latest version to it (3.16.1), where you actually can manage Tracker programs without any issue.

    Please let us know if there’s any particular problem with your metadata once upgraded to the latest version.

    Best regards


    Dear @ifoche,

    Thank you for sharing this and the work done. I’ve upgraded the app. I have also downloaded a template for my tracker program, entered some data, but when importing; it fails with 409 error code


    I think it is because the template didn’t automatically come with the program or TEI type pre-defined.

    also, I tried editing the excel template by adding the program ID (following how the other titles are formatted) but failed.

    Let me know if I need to do something else.

    1 Like

    Dear @Josue ,

    The template, when downloaded from the same instance selecting the appropriate program, should come with that information in its metadata. I think that particular case is one of these that we need to see in a replicable environment. Is there a way you can provide us credentials (through private message) to an equivalent environment where that happens with the complete instructions on how to replicate it?


    1 Like

    Hi @ifoche,

    Thank you for a quick reply and interest to help explore what’s going wrong.
    I’ve shared the credentials to access the instance in-box.


    1 Like

    we were trying to import 8000 event data, but the system gets stuck. when we upload less than 1000 records works ok. when we try to upload 2000 or 3000 only 1200 gets uploaded. DHIS2 3.36 version. @ifoche

    1 Like