Exceptional Community support and participation!

It’s with great pleasure that we’re able to highlight in the copmonthly community members’ participation along with the DHIS2 Core team in supporting and building the DHIS2 community. Thank you all community members for your participation and support.

April 2022 Helpful Community Members

* Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged below but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.

Top 10 Active Members

User Name Country
@Monjur Monjur Rahman BANGLADESH
@chase.freeman Chase Freeman UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
@swoodworth Simon Woodworth IRELAND
@simbachiri Simbarashe Chiripashi ESWATINI
@Kenyuri Raphael Kenyuri KENYA
@ferdinandmussavene ferdinand MOZAMBIQUE
@fernandoshake fernando shake MOZAMBIQUE

Good Samaritans :pray:

Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@Natalie_Tibbels | @jimiolaniyan | @Waheed | @Clara | @Matthew_Boddie | @Kose | @alanivey | @muhomis | @julhas | @plinnegan | @e4eDHIS2 | @vincentminde | @asacur | @Stephan_Mestach | @SamuelJohnson | @kstankevitz | @INyabuto | @Shamsdine_Ndaw | @Monjur | @nnkogift | @chingalo | @katherinelew | @Pacifique_Hategekima

Bug Hunters :bug::bug::bug::bug:

Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.
@asacur | @mauricejm | @barbietunnie | @johanfsk | @swoodworth | @Chase.Freeman | @linxd | @Amza | @HaydnJ | @fernandoshake

Feature Finders :heart_decoration:

Whenever a user is trying to accomplish something with the software but it seems to be a daunting and complicated task, the CoP is a great place to discuss if there’s an easier way or an alternative solution. In fact, sometimes there is a workaround, and sometimes it turns out to be a feature request to be added in future DHIS2 releases. After discussion with the community, these Feature Finders create feature requests to shape the future of DHIS2!
@Clara | @johanfsk

Top Community Topics of the Month

1) Digitization of Tanzania Mainland Health Information System: A ten years journey for strengthening health care for national impact

Thank you HISP Tanzania for sharing with the DHIS2 Community your experience implementing DHIS2 in Tanzania. You’re an inspiration to the DHIS2 global community. :clap:

2) Spring4Shell Vulnerability Update

The were several topics with HOTFIXES and instructions on how to protect instances from this vulnerability. It’s great to see this as a top topic because it assures us that the community is aware of the DHIS2 security processes and efforts.

BTW, HOTFIXES?! It might be worth mentioning that the DHIS2 Release Team will be using a new versioning convention:

To learn more: HOTFIX Versioning Convention

Other interesting topics:

One day before the end of April there was an interesting topic that would be great to highlight. Thanks to UiO master’s student @Filipcl for posting about his project Developing and piloting a DHIS2 Android app for cold chain monitoring

Thanks for the Le coin des francophones community for the amazing participation in Webinaire sur la Surveillance des Maladies, jeudi 28 avril, 14:00 T.U

And thanks to all participants who attended the Web and Android Application Development ecosystem and tools webinar

Finally, please remember to write to us either on #forum-feedback or email community@dhis2.org


Please remember to heart <3 and share! :+1: