With great honor, over the past two years the copmonthly has highlighted member’s contributions, top topics of the month, top ten active members in the community, and the monthly map got introduced and recently the DHIS2 Challenges activity too! It is great to start the month by taking a moment to thank community members including core team software experts, HISP members, and everyone who has been helping this community be vibrant, informative, and supportive. Last month, members have been very busy supporting each other and sharing about their challenges. Your presence in the community is much appreciated.
Top Topics in the Community for May 2023
Interesting enough, last month’s top topic was from the French community. This month’s top topic is from the المجتمع العربي - Arabic Community. The topic discussion is from Egypt by a member asking about installing Metadata packages such as Nutrition. شكرا جزيلاُ لكل من ساهم في مساعدة أعضاء المجتمع، وأهلا وسهلا بكم جميعاً
Another top topic of the month is a user story from Rwanda in the interoperability category. It is always great to hear about user stories from the community and this one has received many views and a number of special likes. A big thank you goes out to Rwanda for sharing their success, challenges,and lessons learned.
And for the moment that we all have been waiting for is the DHI2 version 40 release, so the announcement topic and the release notes were definitely top topics of the month.
Finally, with a positive note and great news to the developers and copmonthly fans, both last month’s copmonthly post and the announcement for May Developer Meetup received special attention and participation. A special thank you to HISP Mozambique (@EdsonNhancale) for presenting their Skeleton App.
Additionally, thank you to all those who participated in last month’s DHIS2 Challenge.
The first person to vote the correct answer is: @jamal_aljadan Congratulations! All who participated will also receive the CoP Activity Winner badge today. To see last month’s challenge and view the answers click here.
The challenge for this month (May 2023):
If you haven’t already joined the fun, this is the time to join your fellow community members and participate in DHIS2 Challenges. Simple challenges that are a reminder of key DHIS2 ideas, and you are welcome to be as creative as you like in the post reply. Members who respond to the challenge before the next copmonthly will receive the CoP Activity Winner badge.
In addition to choosing the correct answer to the question below, feel free to impress the community with a post about data quality and validation rules.
- Data Administration, Maintenance, and Browser Cache Cleaner app
- Roles, Authorities, and User Groups
- Follow-up analysis, Outlier analysis, and Validation rule analysis
- Predictors, Indicators, and Program Indicators
[First person to answer correctly will be mentioned in the next copmonthly]
If you’re not sure what are the three data validation tools that exist in DHIS2, you can find out by taking our free online course, Introduction to DHIS2: Introduction to DHIS2 | DHIS2 Online Academy
Top 10 Active Users in May 2023
Username | Name | Country |
@moses_mwale | moses mwale | ZAMBIA |
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Mamadou Lamarana | GUINEA |
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晓东 林 | CHINA |
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@humphreygali | Ddembe Galiwango Humphrey | UGANDA |
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Ulanbek | KYRGYZSTAN |
@riwaj.amakomaya | William | NEPAL |
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Andrew Kabala | UGANDA |
@techg | Teklay | ETHIOPIA |
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Muhammad Abdul Hannan Khan | BANGLADESH |
And thanks to all helpful members (May 2023),
Good Samaritans
Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@jamal_aljadan | @jetisco4u | @sami12111 | @SamuelJohnson | @potlaki | @moses_mwale | @Roshan.Konda | @medallion | @sami.oracle10g | @tiha | @Shapr0019 | @Ulanbek | @e4eDHIS2 | @Andrew_Kabala | @mutungi_ian | @WaluQ | @dmaritim | @ezbarretos | @jthomas | @arnold | @rithvik | @josephatjulius | @badarni | @asacur | @Hobbes | @Norah_Stoops | @riwaj.amakomaya | @ifoche | @Fatsani | @elmoujarrade |
Bug Hunters
Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.
@Ulanbek | @medallion | @linxd
Feature Finders
We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post in the Development - Développement category as well as share the link to the dhis2.atlassian.net feature request issue so other members can watch and vote.
copmonthly map
Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged above but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.
Want to be added to the copmonthly map?
Complete your profile info (profile picture + country)
Members with the above info are tagged in the map when they help other community members