What data type can I use to represent array of data?

I am setting up an an attribute field for the organisationunit that is expected to accept an array of options?

What data type can I use to represent the attribute field which can hold an array of data?

From this existing post Selecting multiple answers on options sets

I guess I can use text with multiple values though my app is custom built

I tried this with the organisationunit with this text with multiple values but still the attribute field in the organization unit field has only a dropdown select field and not multiple select field

Hi @jetisco4u

Yes, the Organization Unit data element is a dropdown not a multiple select, and this is the first time this is being requested for the OUs. You will need to change the data element type if you want and create your own option set for this case.

I’m wondering why you want to select multiple OUs?

I am not selecting multiple OU.
I added a custom attribute field to the OU say for services and created optionSets for it.
In the OU form in maintenance app, I thought it will show the option for multiple select for the field. But I think I will need to create a custom app for the facility update with the custom field that support multiple select.

Would you please take a screenshot of the UI and where you expected the field to appear? How would you like to use this field?


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I have created a custom app for the facility update with the custom field that support multiple select. When the user select the multiple options I send it to the attribute field as comma separated string. I will use JS to convert it to array when I need to use it.


I sense this topic should be in App Development ?

Are you using ReactJS for your custom app? Where in the code you’re facing this issue? Did you resolve it? Is sending the attribute then converting it to array a necessary process? Maybe there’s a way around it.