Upcoming DHIS2 Education Conference & Academy, 6 - 10 May 2024 in Colombo, Sri Lanka

The DHIS2 Education Conference & Academy

06 - 10 May, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dear community members

The University of Oslo and HISP Sri Lanka are pleased to announce the DHIS2 for Education Conference and Academy 2024 scheduled to take place on 6 - 10 May 2024 at the Marino Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka

This DHIS2 event will include:

A 2-day conference
The conference (06 - 07 May) intended for education stakeholders and programme managers will offer an overview of DHIS2 for Education implementations as well as roundtable topics on information system strengthening. Sessions will focus on improving routines for systematic data collection, improving data utilization at multiple levels of the system and the scaling of well-functioning innovations. Best practices and key considerations for planning, managing and evaluating a DHIS2 for Education implementation will be shared by Ministries of Education and DHIS2 experts from HISP groups and the University of Oslo.

A 3-day Academy
The Academy (8-9-10 May) will feature practical training and hands-on exercises to facilitate the implementation of a DHIS2 for Education instance, including aggregate and individual (Tracker) data, design implications for Android and data analytics.

More information and registration available HERE
Early bird discount for registrations before March 31st!