Unable to view previous Program indicators of expression Event Count in 2.33

We were previously on 2.28 and now upgrading to 2.33

Program indicators of of expression Event Count show blank in Pivot tables in 2.33

Any idea how can we fix this

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Hi @Dipali_Sahu.

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Is it the same issue as mentioned here?

Do you also get the java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Double error if you try to visualize the program indicators in Data Visualizer?

Best regards,

Hi @Dipali_Sahu ,

We had the same issue and we realized that all those indicators had in common that they contained program indicators with decimals sets to 0.

Instead we set them as from the Maintenance app

If you have a lot of cases like that a quicker option is to extract the metadata content of those programindicators with the following query


Remove the parameter from the payload and reimport them again (with merge mode as REPLACE)

Hope this also solve your issue.


Hi Karoline
Thank you for the response, Yes looks similar issue however,

I don’t seem to get any error, it just shows blank page, both in Data visualizer and Pivot tables. (see screenshot).

Hi Eric, thank you for the response.

I am getting this error irrespective of the “Decimal” field value, across all the reports( and we have too many program indicators since we collect lot of individual data). In many places the decimal field is blank in our case. Also, most of our indicators are Event counts with different filters and expressions.

I will anyhow investigate further and see if I can find any commonalities

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good copy, thank you! Yes, please if you find more information keep the community posted :slight_smile:

Hi Karoline

Any update on this one?

Thank you

Hi @Dipali_Sahu,

Sorry for the delayed response.

The JIRA issue I mentioned, [DHIS2-8580] - Jira, was fixed in the 2.33.3 patch which was released in April. Have you tested with that patch to see if your issue still persists?

Best regards,