Dear all,
I configured a very simple tracker program in the maintenance app. When I access the program using Tracker capture app, I get the below two errors after I select the org unit that the program is assigned.
"httpStatus": "Not Found",
"httpStatusCode": 404,
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "The key 'nz0ABmrCGWk' was not found in the namespace 'trackerCaptureGridColumns'."
"httpStatus": "Conflict",
"httpStatusCode": 409,
"status": "ERROR",
"message": "Organisation unit is not part of the search scope: FSE33toVVUf"
DHIS2 Software Used
- Version: 2.32.2
- Build revision: c88e138
- Build date: 2019-09-06 11:56
How can I solve this problem.
Best regards,