📽 Thank you for your amazing video submissions!

DAC2024 CoP Members Spotlight

Dear Community,

A couple of months ago we requested from the helpful and active community members who have been tagged in the copmonthly posts, to record a one minute video about their experience in the DHIS2 Community so that we can share these recordings with the DAC2024 participants and the whole community (Go to 9th minute in the plenary session video to see the compilation. Nice remix by @Grant.ChapmanClarke).

Thank you for the great submissions.

Finally, there is a really nice video from @eyeseetea that I will add to this list later on, but I’m not adding it now because we will play it in the Building Communities of Practice session. You’re all welcome to join the session on zoom. Thank you! :rose:

From @eyeseetea:

In order of submission:

From @mutali:

From @sgaudon:

From @ayman.tuffaha:

From @Mayamiko:

From @moses_mwale:

From @antonia:

From @ifoche:


Thanks all, Thanks @Gassim for sharing the post, but I noticed once I tried to play the video under my name I could hear only a voice with no video.

Best regards,


Hi @ayman.tuffaha

Thank you! I think this might be a browser issue. Would you share the browser name and version?

See a screenshot. I’m using the latest version of Chrome…


Hi @Gassim I can’t watch it either, using Firefox 124.0.2 on Linux

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Hi @eyeseetea and @ayman.tuffaha as well as anyone seeing the error above.

Please temporarily use Chrome, while I look into this issue. Thank you!

@ayman.tuffaha @eyeseetea,

Please refresh the page and check again. I believe it’s supposed to be fixed now. Thank you!


It is, thanks so much @Gassim!

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Thanks Fixed with no isues :grinning:

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Great, sorry the error was that some browsers weren’t compatible with the uploaded video so I downloaded it, converted it, and uploaded it again.

Thank you for the video. :pray::pray:

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Thank you @Gassim for shining light on us. It is a real privilege to be part of the community and share our experience.

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Thank you!! You’re the community. :love_letter: