Server Administration checklist

Hi community,

I’m looking for opinions on which items should be on a DHIS 2 Server Administration handover checklist. I will be taking over the job as DHIS 2 System Administrator and I am about to do a course on DHIS 2 Server Administration to gain skills.

I have experience in DHIS 2 System Administration, but I have no experience in DHIS 2 Server Administration.

I would be happy if you could share an example of a server handover document.

Looking forward


I may not have fully understood your question, but key considerations for the smooth running of a DHIS2 instance include:

1. Automated Backups: Use a simple bash or Python backup script hooked to a cronjob to ensure regular backups.

2. Disk Space Management: Monitor storage to avoid running out of space, as DHIS2 generates large logs. A cleanup script can help manage this.

3. Test/Play Instance: Always test new configurations or updates on a non-production instance before deploying to production.

4. Automated Deployment: Automate the deployment process to reduce errors and streamline repetitive tasks. Tools like ansible are highly recommended.
Check out my post on deployment automation and explore additional approaches suggested by @bobj in the reply section.

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Although I have done some work managing DHIS2 servers, I am not an expert in DHIS2 Server Administration. Kindly view the checklist below to see if it satisfies your need.
DHIS2 Handover checklist.docx (214.4 KB)

You can customize the checklist and handover document template to fit the specifics of your system. Once you receive the handover, it is important to systematically review all items to ensure you understand and can manage the environment effectively.
