In this discussion thread, feel free to ask questions related to the Data Quality: How to get data quality issues noticed and addressed in DHIS2 session of the 2020 DHIS2 Digital Annual Conference. You can post your questions ahead of, during, or after the session. The panellists will check this thread for questions, and select some for responding to in the session, or follow up after the session has ended. Feel free to respond to other questions or add to them if you have something to follow up with.
The recording this session is now available on our YouTube channel.
@AbahAngela a question on your presentation: Q: What are some of the factors affecting report completeness in Nigeria? A: A couple of factors affect reporting in Nigeria ranging from Infrastructural challenges, internet connectivity and funding
A question from the Zoom presentation answered by Scott:
Q: How to make the color of the min-max ratio change when the data entered is greater than the average is certified and is not aberrant? A: You can not do that specifically. What Bob showed in his video was to make a legend that highlighted in red any outliers. You could calculate your average using a predictor and then compare that average against the current value in a validation rule to get a notification if the value is significantly different from the average
Have you registered to the Digital DHIS2 Data Quality Academy, Level 2 to be launched online on 19 October?
This Academy will focus on how to use the Data Quality Tools to identify highly suspicious values. Participants will learn about the main features of the DQ Tools and practice with a pair of generic training instances.
The Academy targets mostly MoHs working on implementations or NGOS providing implementations support to the MOH.