Sept 21 - 13:30 - What's New in DHIS2? Q&A

Thanks for clarifying!

In regards to the question about seeing data from separate instances/servers:
If it fits the use case, one can set up a master <> slave(s) infrastructure. So the data from the slave servers can be synced to one central instance where analytics can be run for all data.
As Lars mentioned, one would ideally use the metadata sync functionality so that the metadata is consistent and up-to-date

OpenID Connect: Yes @Neeraj_Gupta. It is actually already implemented in a basic form and coming in 2.35. In 2.35 only Google is supported as provider. More providers like Azure AD will be added in 2.36. Let us know if need particular providers.


Good question @SamuelJohnson. Currently you could set cache to e.g. 15 minutes. We have been thinking of creating a new analytics caching option so that they work in sync, where the server-side cache is cleared after a continuous analytics job completes.


Could you please share the presentation slides for this session on Sched? They are not available yet. Thanks!

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Is there a plan to add stress testing tools? For newer releases do we have an idea of limits in terms of concurrent users ?

Thank you Lars.

Here are some additional questions & answers from the Zoom session:

Q: How can i get the updated DHIS2 software to install my laptop
Q: What link that we can use dhis2 operate as an example? Or we have to set up firts? Is it possible to install on a laptop with windows 10?
A: You can download DHIS2 from: Downloads - DHIS2
You can access through the web dhis2 on any laptop, but you can not run DHIS2 locally using window 10 unless you are using a virtual machine running linux or ubuntu

Q: Why don’t you add customized color legends into charts, just like maps. For example data over 80 is green, less is yellow and so on?
A: We are planning to add this for the 2.36 release, meaning it is up next on our to-do list

Q: Can you show the relative and fixed period selection practically
A: Do you mean on the dashboard filter? Both fixed and relative periods are available

Q: Can we have Maps with datavalues labels ?
A: Yes, you can in thematic layer editor style tab

Q: How about program indicators. Is there a new feature to do disagreggation by age or gender without using filters or expressions?
A: That is a nice suggestion. We are working on a new method of building filters in a line-listing application that could be saved and function similarly to a program indicator

Q: The format of language, can we change to country language?

Q: Can we have dark themes for a dashboard?

Q: How is server side analytics cache affected when there is an OpenHIE in place?

Q: Can we have a map and chart in one display?

Q: How does the map work in offline mode?

@scott @lars @phil to address the unanswered questions at the bottom of this list

Hi @Lars,

That sounds like an awesome idea. I think that both of these features are great steps forward for the analytics, so combining them like that would be perfect.

Cheers, Sam.

@Lars, could you perhaps even incorporate pre-caching for the most commonly-used dashboards (based on Usage Analytics), so that users will see these dashboards render very quickly even after a cache refresh ?

Hi all

Recording of today’s session is available here.

Thank you!

Hi @aliceal I believe the slides of this session have still not been shared on Sched - is it possible to get a copy of these soon? :pray:t2: