Logtail with Lxd installation


I’m trying to setup a new dhis 2 server with lxd. Everything seems to be fine.

I want to know why dhis2-logtail is no longer available ? Now how to esaly show the dhis 2 logs ?

Should I go into the container and open the catalina.out file ?


Hi Mamadou

You can use
– dhis2-logview instance-name.

There are also some options you can use

dhis2-logview -f instance-name

to follow the logs instantely

dhis2-logview -s 00:00 -u 00:00 instancename

get logs from this time to this time.

and many other options such as ( | less ) and you can also add
Today to be

dhis2-logview -f instance-name Today | less

if you require more information you can see the documentation from the github or the help in the command.



Thank you @alkhshbi it’s working.

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