Join us for the DHIS2 for Education session at the Annual Conference on 23rd June

SDG 4 on Quality Education calls for inclusive and equitable education that promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all. This can’t be achieved without the use of quality data to guide decisions that can lead to the improvement of both equitable access to education as well as being able to track improvements in learning outcomes.

DHIS2 for Education extends the DHIS2 software platform from the health sector to education, for the collection, analysis, visualisation and use of individual and aggregate data from institutions of learning. It takes advantage of decades of experience with national-level Health Management Information Systems (HMIS), offering a stable, scalable and customisable Education Management Information System (EMIS) solution; a solution backed by international donor organisations as a public good.

Join us to discover how the DHIS2 community is part of a new shift, shaping the landscape of improved data for improved decision-making for education stakeholders across the globe.

Check out the agenda attached for the exciting line-up of speakers!
Concept Note_DHIS24Education_Annual Conference 2021 .docx (16.1 KB)


Wanted to know the coverage if DHIS2 EMIS in Gambia dear @Alpha

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The response is usually above 95% of all type schools and for all management types including private and madrassahs - for the public schools coverage is always 100%. We have some good measures such as linking data use at school level linked to school grants, and school assessment and examination. For example the Exam Council and EMIS collaborate together on the school list. while school grants are linked to school returns.

For the DHIS2 Coverage in the Education we have it for all public schools - all head teachers are using the App to report teacher attendance, the Cluster and Regional Officers are using it for collecting data on 15th Day Statistics as well as for regular EMIS data. The Private Schools are open and encourage to adopt the tools. So in a nutshell DHIS2 is for all in the Gambia education sector.


Amazing dear @Alpha_Bah. Thank you for the lesson.

Questions during the session (in the zoom chat):

From @Mpagi Rogers:
How is the Gambia team going to deal with low or non response of schools

From @Nosherwan Shahid:
Is DHIS scalable in terms of GIS? Can it support GIS mapping?

From @Knut_Staring:
@Nosherwan Shahid, yes GIS is an integral component of DHIS2, and you can also include maps freely in self-designed dashboards. There is a separate session on the map module.

From @Knut_Staring:
The GIS session was yesterday, but the recording is available: The Digital DHIS2 Annual Conference: Extending DHIS2 Maps

From @Edison Nsubuga:
Great presentation - how can we enlist more active learner participation in the EMIS process?

From @PhumzaR Phumzile:
Can Uganda share briefly the involvement of senior management for buy-in and support. This is because for the success of this system its crucial that they are onboard

From @prosper:
@Phumzile, thanks for the good question Prosper here from HISP Uganda part of the team supporting the implementation at MoES in Uganda. Senior Management engagement has been one of the main goals of the implementation in Uganda as we have seen it work well with Ministry of Education. The implementation has had blessing and approvals from the PS MoES and the Hon Minister of State for Primary Education has been key in engaging and promoting DHIS2 for Education among other Ministers in Education and sharing with the Hon Minister of Education.

From @mweene:
Challenges in the field in Gambia: Have you explored device-to-device (commonly known as M2M) synchronization for both device mgmt and internet challenges?

From @Sueletting Susan Serumaga:
@prosper, are there any existing tools that DEMIS is/will or is looking at integrating with within the Education space?

From @prosper:
@Susan thanks and good to have you attending. In terms of tools to the education space. Electronically DHIS2 is the tool we are bringing to the education sector as it has even used in health in Uganda for the past 10 years. DHIS2 with its core module aggregate reporting, dhis2 individual level data capture, dhis2 mobile and SMS

Recording of the session can be found here:


Recording of the session can be found here (part two):