How can I create Indicator that aggregate at facility level filter with a OUG data only

Consider this scenario. I have 5 level organization units with 300 facilities as FAC at level 5, three org unit groups (OUG1, OUG2 and OUG3), and five data elements DE1, DE2, DE3, DE4, DE5.

Suppose FAC 1-100 belongs to OUG1, FAC 101-200 belongs to OUG2 and FAC 201-300 belongs to OUG3.

  1. The total score of DE value that FAC 1-100 in OUG1 can have is 50

  2. Each DE assign to FAC 1-100 has a score with SUM as aggregateType. The total of these DEs in this case DE1 + DE2 + DE4 + DE5 cannot be more than 50.

Data is collected at level 5 of the OU which is FAC 1-100. But our indicator will like to aggregate at level 1 which is the highest level.

I define my indicator as below.

Numerator = DE1 + DE2 + DE4 + DE5
Denominator = 50
Indicator type is percentage.

Manually when I take the total DE score aggregated at level 1 as numerator and divide it by facility count of OUG1 times 50, multiply by 100, I got the expected result.

But with the indicator above in data visualizer app, rather than pick the DEs for the OUG1 only, the system is summing up the DEs for all the 300 facilities.

Is there a way to filter the numerator to only use data from facilities within the OUG1 group instead of all the facilities in the visualizer app?

Thanks for the post @jetisco4u! Please did you try to use Advanced aggregation settings (aggregation levels)?

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I tried to but maybe I am missing some aspect of it.

Maybe if there’s a different approach or solution to this. Perhaps if you share the use case, it might be more feasible to find a possible solution or if it might already be implemented but using a different approach?


I have explore different approach with conflicting result. I will still keep exploring

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Data Visualizer app: slightly different result depending on the setting of the parameter queries