[FIXED] [Line Listing app - v100.0.0 / DHIS2v2.38] Error displaying data

Hi everyone,

Just needed to know if anyone is getting the same error from the Line Listing app.

Error log below: :point_down:t5: :point_down:t5:

Click here to view error log

Error: There is no option with the value: “0”. Make sure that the value passed to the selected prop matches the value of an existing option.
Error: There is no option with the value: “0”. Make sure that the value passed to the selected prop matches the value of an existing option.
at vc (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:289443)
at Ki (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:767417)
at ks (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:813523)
at yl (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:806283)
at gl (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:806208)
at sl (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:803217)
at URL/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:754695
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:829920)
at Yr (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:754404)
at $r (URL/api/apps/line-listing/static/js/138.36666cc1.chunk.js:2:754640)
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Thanks @khatman! Would you please add steps to reproduce this? I would like to test on play and see if I will get the same error.

Thank you! (:

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Hm, i can’t reproduce this on the play demo instance.
But on our instances, live and testing, both running 2.38, it happens.

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Hi @khatman,

To be honest this is the first time this error has been reported. I think we need to investigate this further please!

Some basic steps that might help us know the root of the issue:

First, start by clearing the cache (Browser Cache Cleaner app + browser’s ‘Empty Cache and Hard reload’). Second, please check related authorities and sharing settings. Third, try the maintenance tasks in the Data Administration app such as clearing app cache, reloading apps, analytics tables export…etc Finally, reproduce the error in your instance and share the Catalina.out log (without the sensitive info) please so that we could get more info about the error.

Thank you! (:


Hello, @Gassim @khatman I am getting exactly the same error with exactly the same error codes. I am running 2.38.1. No matter the number of elements you select and the input (event or enrollment), you get the same error.

@khatman Is your event reports app working? Mine is no longer pulling any data, no matter what I try. Not sure if linked to the line list app.

yah, it’s not pulling anything. What about your Event Reports, does it pull anything?

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Hi @ifeanyiokoye,

Thank you for letting us know! Hope we will find a solution soon. Would you please share the Catalina.out log (without the sensitive info)?

Additionally, what steps are you taking to get this error? I want to see if I can reproduce this error as well.

Thank you!

Dear @Gassim,
Please find attached the logs as requested.

The error is not reproducible on the play instance for 2.38.1 but here are my observations.

  1. In addition to the error from the linelisting app, the line list component of the event reports app no longer works. However, the pivot table component still works.
  2. I have uninstalled the linelisting app and reinstalled the WAR file for 2.38.1 but the issue still persists.
  3. I think that whatever is preventing the lineslisting app from working has also disabled that component of the event reports app and this poses a huge challenge for us right now and puts us in a big fix because of our dependence on the event reports app.

Kindly bring to the attention of those who can provide a quick solution for us.

Thank you.

Catalina Logs 11JUL2022.docx (83.0 KB)


I get the same error on my dev instance whenever i try to run any report.
The events report app line listing cant display data, only the pivot table


Yes, this is our current experience too.

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I just opened a ticket. You can follow it here: DHIS2-13493


Thank you for creating the Jira bug issue: [DHIS2-13493] - Jira And thanks @ifeanyiokoye for the info!

Please remember you can add your votes to the issues for prioritization as well as watch the issue for notifications. I’ve added a link in the comments section of the issue to this discussion topic for more info, and I’ve also asked @dhis2-analytics team for review and follow up.

If anyone has a temporary workaround please feel free to share. Thank you!

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Hello Community, just following up on this issue. A fix or workaround would be most helpful.

Hi everyone,

Has this issue been solved. I having torrent time with the Events Reports line listing

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Hi. Big thanks to @edoardo and @maikel for investigating this and coming up with a temporary fix.

Go to system settings → General and change the “maximum number of analytics records” from unlimited to another value. I have attached a gif. Hopefully you do not need to return > 1,000,000 records in your query for now. They will look into a long term fix but at least you can use event analytics in your instances for now.



The solution applies to Event Reports too.

Thanks team

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Yes this issue affected all event analytics from my testing. So event layer maps in specific configurations are also affected (any event layer maps that use the style function for example). The solution should be a temporary fix across the spectrum of issues for now.

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Thank you very much @Shurajit_Dutta this has resolved my issues too. Hopefully this will be fixed soon as events outgrow the 1000k limit.

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Thank you, everyone. I noticed that even though the event reports now pull but trying to download them as CSV or Excel results in an empty file.

Has anyone else observed this?

@Shurajit_Dutta @Gassim