Failed Upgrade v2.35.8 to v2.36.10 error -- ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json Detail: Expected JSON value, but found "}"

I am trying to upgrade from Upgrade v2.35.8 to v2.36.10 but experiencing this error starting today.

SQL State  : 22P02
Error Code : 0
Message    : ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
  Detail: Expected JSON value, but found "}".
  Where: JSON data, line 1: {"fontStyle":}
PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 92 at assignment
Location   : org/hisp/dhis/db/migration/2.36/V2_36_18__Add_jsonb_columns_into_visualization_table.sql (/var/lib/dhis2/dev/webapps/file:/var/lib/dhis2/dev/webapps/dev/WEB-INF/lib/dhis-support-db-migration-2.36.10.jar!/org/hisp/dhis/db/migration/2.36/V2_36_18__Add_jsonb_columns_into_visualization_table.sql)
Line       : 14
Statement  : -- Step 2) runs a store procedure to move data/columns into the new JSONB columns("legend" and "axes").
        r record;
        legendJson json;
        axesJson json;
        axisIndex int;
        targetLineJson json;
        baseLineJson json;
        has_legend bool;
        has_range bool;
        has_domain bool;
        debug bool := FALSE;

        FOR r IN (
            SELECT visualizationid, baseLineLabel, baseLineValue, domainAxisLabel,
                   rangeAxisDecimals, rangeAxisLabel, rangeAxisMaxValue, rangeAxisMinValue,
                   rangeAxisSteps, targetLineLabel, targetLineValue, subtitle, title, hideLegend,
                   fontStyle -> 'baseLineLabel' AS baseLineLabelFontStyle,
                   fontStyle -> 'targetLineLabel' AS targetLineLabelFontStyle,
                   fontStyle -> 'seriesAxisLabel' AS seriesAxisLabelFontStyle,
                   fontStyle -> 'verticalAxisTitle' AS verticalAxisTitleFontStyle,
                   fontStyle -> 'categoryAxisLabel' AS categoryAxisLabelFontStyle,
                   fontStyle -> 'horizontalAxisTitle' AS horizontalAxisTitleFontStyle,
                   fontStyle -> 'legend' AS legendFontStyle
            FROM visualization v
        ) LOOP
                -- Ensure global FLAGS are reset.
                axisIndex := 0;
                axesJson := '[{},{}]';
                targetLineJson := NULL;
                baseLineJson := NULL;
                has_legend := FALSE;
                has_range := FALSE;
                has_domain := FALSE;

                IF debug THEN
                    RAISE INFO '%','Migrating data for visualization id: ' || r.visualizationid;
                END IF;

                -- Migrate "legend"
                legendJson := '{}';

                IF r.legendFontStyle IS NOT NULL THEN
                    legendJson := jsonb_set(legendJson::jsonb, '{label}', format('{"fontStyle":%s}', r.legendFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_legend := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Legend:label: ', legendJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.hideLegend IS NOT NULL THEN
                    legendJson := jsonb_set(legendJson::jsonb, '{hidden}'::TEXT[], r.hideLegend::TEXT::jsonb);
                    legendJson := json_strip_nulls(legendJson);
                    has_legend := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', 'Legend:hidden: ' || legendJson;
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF has_legend THEN
                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Updating legend column with: ', legendJson);
                    END IF;

                    UPDATE visualization SET legend = legendJson WHERE visualizationid = r.visualizationid;
                END IF;

                -- Migrate "axes"

                -- Axis RANGE
                IF r.seriesAxisLabelFontStyle IS NOT NULL THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',label}')::TEXT[], format('{"fontStyle":%s}', r.seriesAxisLabelFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, label: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF (COALESCE(r.rangeAxisLabel, '') != '' AND r.verticalAxisTitleFontStyle IS NULL) THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',title}')::TEXT[], format('{"text":"%s"}', r.rangeAxisLabel, r.verticalAxisTitleFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, rangeAxisLabel: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.rangeAxisLabel, '') = '' AND r.verticalAxisTitleFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',title}')::TEXT[], format('{"fontStyle":%s}', r.rangeAxisLabel, r.verticalAxisTitleFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, verticalAxisTitleFontStyle: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.rangeAxisLabel, '') != '' AND r.verticalAxisTitleFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',title}')::TEXT[], format('{"text":"%s", "fontStyle":%s}', r.rangeAxisLabel, r.verticalAxisTitleFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, rangeAxisLabel, verticalAxisTitleFontStyle: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.rangeAxisDecimals IS NOT NULL THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',decimals}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(r.rangeAxisDecimals));
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, decimals: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.rangeAxisMaxValue IS NOT NULL THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',maxValue}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(r.rangeAxisMaxValue));
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, maxValue: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.rangeAxisMinValue IS NOT NULL THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',minValue}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(r.rangeAxisMinValue));
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, minValue: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.rangeAxisSteps IS NOT NULL THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',steps}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(r.rangeAxisSteps));
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, steps: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF (COALESCE(r.baseLineLabel, '') != '' AND r.baseLineLabelFontStyle IS NULL) THEN
                    baseLineJson := format('{"title": {"text":"%s"}}', r.baseLineLabel)::jsonb;
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, baseLineLabel: ', baseLineJson);
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.baseLineLabel, '') = '' AND r.baseLineLabelFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    baseLineJson := format('{"title": {"fontStyle":%s}}', r.baseLineLabelFontStyle)::jsonb;
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, baseLineLabelFontStyle: ', baseLineJson);
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.baseLineLabel, '') != '' AND r.baseLineLabelFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    baseLineJson := format('{"title": {"text":"%s", "fontStyle":%s}}', r.baseLineLabel, r.baseLineLabelFontStyle)::jsonb;
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, baseLineLabel, baseLineLabelFontStyle: ', baseLineJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.baseLineValue IS NOT NULL THEN
                    IF baseLineJson IS NOT NULL THEN
                        baseLineJson := jsonb_insert(baseLineJson::jsonb, ('{value}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(r.baseLineValue));
                        baseLineJson := format('{"value":%s}', r.baseLineValue)::jsonb;
                    END IF;

                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, baseLineValue: ', baseLineJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF (COALESCE(r.targetLineLabel, '') != '' AND r.targetLineLabelFontStyle IS NULL) THEN
                    targetLineJson := format('{"title": {"text":"%s"}}', r.targetLineLabel)::jsonb;
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, targetLineLabel: ', targetLineJson);
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.targetLineLabel, '') = '' AND r.targetLineLabelFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    targetLineJson := format('{"title": {"fontStyle":%s}}', r.targetLineLabelFontStyle)::jsonb;
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, targetLineLabelFontStyle: ', targetLineJson);
                    END IF;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.targetLineLabel, '') != '' AND r.targetLineLabelFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    targetLineJson := format('{"title": {"text":"%s", "fontStyle":%s}}', r.targetLineLabel, r.targetLineLabelFontStyle)::jsonb;
                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, targetLineLabel, targetLineLabelFontStyle: ', targetLineJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF r.targetLineValue IS NOT NULL THEN
                    IF targetLineJson IS NOT NULL THEN
                        targetLineJson := jsonb_insert(targetLineJson::jsonb, ('{value}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(r.targetLineValue));
                        targetLineJson := format('{"value":%s}', r.targetLineValue)::jsonb;
                    END IF;

                    has_range := TRUE;

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes RANGE, targetLineValue: ', targetLineJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF has_range THEN
                    IF targetLineJson IS NOT NULL THEN
                        IF debug THEN
                            RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Target line body: ', targetLineJson);
                        END IF;

                        axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',targetLine}')::TEXT[], targetLineJson::jsonb);
                    END IF;

                    IF baseLineJson IS NOT NULL THEN
                        IF debug THEN
                            RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Base line body: ', baseLineJson);
                        END IF;

                        axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',baseLine}')::TEXT[], baseLineJson::jsonb);
                    END IF;

                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',index}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(axisIndex));
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',type}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb('RANGE'::TEXT));

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes json RANGE: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;

                    axisIndex := axisIndex + 1;
                END IF;

                -- Axis DOMAIN
                IF r.categoryAxisLabelFontStyle IS NOT NULL THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',label}')::TEXT[], format('{"fontStyle":%s}', r.categoryAxisLabelFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_domain := TRUE;
                END IF;

                IF (COALESCE(r.domainAxisLabel, '') != '' AND r.horizontalAxisTitleFontStyle IS NULL) THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',title}')::TEXT[], format('{"text":"%s"}', r.domainAxisLabel)::jsonb);
                    has_domain := TRUE;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.domainAxisLabel, '') = '' AND r.horizontalAxisTitleFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',title}')::TEXT[], format('{"fontStyle":%s}', r.horizontalAxisTitleFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_domain := TRUE;
                ELSEIF (COALESCE(r.domainAxisLabel, '') != '' AND r.horizontalAxisTitleFontStyle IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',title}')::TEXT[], format('{"text":"%s", "fontStyle":%s}', r.domainAxisLabel, r.horizontalAxisTitleFontStyle)::jsonb);
                    has_domain := TRUE;
                END IF;

                IF has_domain THEN
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',index}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb(axisIndex));
                    axesJson := jsonb_set(axesJson::jsonb, ('{' || axisIndex || ',type}')::TEXT[], to_jsonb('DOMAIN'::TEXT));

                    IF debug THEN
                        RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Axes json DOMAIN: ', axesJson);
                    END IF;
                END IF;

                IF (has_domain OR has_range) THEN
                    IF axesJson IS NOT NULL AND axesJson::TEXT != '[{},{}]' THEN
                        -- It means we have some axis to persist.

                        axesJson := json_strip_nulls(axesJson);

                        -- Remove empty elements if any.
                        IF ((axesJson::json->0)::TEXT = '{}') THEN
                            axesJson := (axesJson::jsonb - 0);
                        END IF;

                        IF ((axesJson::json->1)::TEXT = '{}') THEN
                            axesJson := (axesJson::jsonb - 1);
                        END IF;

                        IF debug THEN
                            RAISE INFO '%', CONCAT('Updating axes column with: ', axesJson);
                        END IF;

                        UPDATE visualization SET axes = axesJson WHERE visualizationid = r.visualizationid;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql

        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.doMigrateGroup(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.access$200(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.TransactionalExecutionTemplate.execute(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.applyMigrations(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.migrateGroup(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.migrateAll(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.access$000(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLAdvisoryLockTemplate.execute(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLConnection.lock(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.schemahistory.JdbcTableSchemaHistory.lock(
        at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.migrate(
        at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway$1.execute(
        at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway$1.execute(
        at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.execute(
        at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.migrate(
        at org.hisp.dhis.db.migration.config.DhisFlyway.migrate(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        ... 97 more
Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.internal.sqlscript.FlywaySqlScriptException: 
Migration V2_36_18__Add_jsonb_columns_into_visualization_table.sql failed

Has anyone faced this error? yesterday all was fine.


So, we resolved this issue with @maikel and @Gassim. The issue really was easy to resolve. In case you have this issue, you need to have pgadmin or database access and a little bit of Postgres DB skills.

  1. Look for the font causing issues.
    select uid from visualization where fontstyle != '{}' and fontstyle is not null;
  2. If you find a font style that needs to be kept, you have to back up each one.
  3. You can further check if they are present or not by running the following queries
select uid from visualization where fontstyle is not null;
select * from visualization where uid = '<UID>
  1. Run the final query to resolve the problem.
    Update visualization set fontstyle = null where uid in (select uid from visualization where fontstyle is not null);

That should be it. You can proceed to do the upgrade.



Thank you @moses_mwale for sharing the solution! (: