epiData / Immunization analysis (WHO) app now available on DHIS2 Appstore

Hi all,

The WHO Immunization analysis app (epiData) is now available on the DHIS2 App Store since about 2 weeks ago. It has also been updated with new chart libraries and the possibility to download charts as images.

This app will from now on receive updates through the App Store.


Great work @anon89153646.

Which DHIS2 versions are supported in this new version of the epiData app?


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Thank you @olatitle, this version has not been updated regarding supported versions, which means minimum version 2.27.

Charting and reports should work up to the latest 2.31 version as what we’ve tested. Currently I’m investigating that the RIM Export/Import works as intended with the latest version, then there will be a patched version released if necessary. Next version will follow the DHIS2 supported versions, e.g. minimum version 2.29. This is to keep the app up to date with component re-usage across other development.