DHIS2 to PowerBI connector is ready! Check out the video, test it, use it and give us feedback!

This connector is very well appreciated. Well done to the developers

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue while connecting with my account.

I’m able to see data in Data element, date, organisation units & periods tables. But I don’t see any data in “Data Element Values”. Also the Dimensions folder is throwing a missing column error.

Does anyone know what might be the issue here? Thanks in advance.

Hello! This is a great initiative. Any update on the roadmap for using the connector with tracker/event data? Thanks!

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could you please help me, i cant connect dhis2 to Power BI, maybe you can remote?

Good morning folks, just seconding Natalie’s question. Any word on the development of the connector for the tracker/event data ?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Derebe, did you ever find a solution for this? Expression.Error: Url scheme must be HTTPS. thanks

Did you find a solution for this? It has been annoying me for the past week

Hello everyone, my name is Victor and I recently just joined the DHIS2 community because my work involves me building dashboards for data visualization. My organization uses DHIS2 as the primary database and we are working at connecting DHIS2 to PowerBi. I came across this platform, got the connector, and tried it out. I have been able to install the connector on my PC but linking it to my organization’s DHIS2 database using the link isn’t working. I realized this is because the server isn’t on a secure protocol. I was wondering if there’s another way to go around this or the only option will be to move the server to a secure protocol. Thanks!

DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents from ‘https/dhis-web-pivot/api/dataElements?id=lz1kGWKDcvz&paging=false&fields=id’ (404):


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dhis2 powerbi connector

Hi @rgramajo and thanks for the good job of making the connector available.

I recently downloaded the connector and observed some slight changes in the user interface compared to when it was first published. How do we get to update the connector when you add additional features?

Hi @Oken01,
Welcome to the community! :tada::tada::tada:
What is the version of the DHIS2 instance that you are using? It doesn’t seem that the app is in any of the App Hub of any of the latest DHIS2 instances so you’ll only be able to download it from the website (DHIS2 App Hub) I can only see one version available which is for versions 2.29-2.32

For other apps that are available in the App Hub (which is in App Management app) then updating is as easy as installing.

Is anyone have an idea about the data modeling in Power Bi after bringing the datasets from DHis2. Actually, I am looking for the relationship between the tables and also looking for the numerical value within the “Data element value” dataset. I have the “Value” column but don’t have any value on it. if anyone can help Thank you

Hi @Om_Maharjan,
welcome to the community! :tada::tada:
Please take a screenshot and mention what DHIS2 version you are using. Thank you!

Hi Gassim, First of all, Thank you very much for the reply Back and I am sorry I didn’t mention to you that I have a different scenario, my company gets data from Dhis2 so which is our own database(not sure what kind of DB) but it’s not like SQL database or some sort of other databases. But let me make sure with the third-party vendor who develops the DB what kind of DB and I will get back to you But I did the same process for connector and other processes to get data via PBI.

Will there be a version supporting newer DHIS2 versions? Does anyone know of someone working on a new connector to support the versions after 2.32?

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Hello Muyanda,

We are testing the application to see what edits need to be made to work with more current versions of DHIS2. It will be another week or two before we can share more details. Depending on the scale of edits, we may also be looking for a grant to help fund the development. Originally, this application development was a joint grant for PSI and BAO Systems, which was kindly funded by Digital Square. We will report back as soon as possible and thanks for your patience!


Hi Gassim , waiting for the Developer but still didn’t receive any updates from them so i guess if you can provide me some solutions that will be great. Below is the screenshot of Dhis2 version that i am using current right now.

This is great.

We will try and get back to you.

Hi Abdul

Are there any updates?

Thank you