Hi Team. I have been using the PowerBI DHIS2 Connector successfully to pull data from our DHIS2 application. I am suddenly not able to pull all records from the main data table using the same settings that worked before. Has anyone experienced the same issue. Any leads as to what could be happening. Thanks… Jonathan FHI360 CDC Zambia
Was the Connector ever updated to include indicators in the upload?
Hey @jona_mukundu,
I wonder if you are still facing this issue or were you able to solve it? What is the version of the DHIS2 instance that you are using (remember the app is compatible only with versions (2.29–2.32) link: DHIS2 App Hub
Please see if there are any logs that you can share to understand why it’s not working. Additionally, I hope you find this user manual helpful (DHIS2-to-PBI Connector User Manual.pdf - Google Drive) shared by @mykbitz / @rgramajo
A post was split to a new topic: Power BI uploads all OU instead of user OU
I’d love to hear if there are any plans in the works to expand the PowerBI connector to work with event/tracker data!
Hi Natalie,
We are looking into the possibility of expanding the connector and I will reach out to you separately about it – thanks!
Looking forward to seeing this too. And of interest is the support fornewer DHIS2 versions.
Hi @katherinelew is there any documentation available on how to create own indicators in Power Bi when connected to DHIS2? For example BCG coverage, where you have BCG doses given every month and population under 1 year entered yearly.
Has anyone been assisted on using the Power BI Connector for latest DHIS2 versions i.e 2.40 or 2.41? Kindly assist
Hi @Stanley
Are you facing any specific issues or seeing any errors that you’d like to share? It’ll help if you share more details. Thanks!