Hello everyone,
I am new to DHIS2.
I have been having trouble with DHIS2. It keeps crashing and cannot be accessed via the web browser. Checking the log files, I found the following error
- One common error is a unique entry violation on this constraint: trackedentityinstance_pkey.
- The other common error is a similar lack of unique entry from this query: select ou.uid as ou_uid, array_agg(ds.uid) as ds_uid from datasetsource d inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid=d.sourceid inner join dataset ds on ds.datasetid=d.datasetid where (ou.path like ‘/RNrnsmjrGlx/cxNLWST2osN%’ ) group by ou_uid (HibernateOrganisationUnitStore.java [http-nio-8085-exec-6])
logfiles.docx (431.8 KB)
Any suggestions on how to fix this?