🎉 DHIS2 Community third End of Year virtual event (2023)

The time for our third End of Year community event has come! This is an opportunity to meet and celebrate the community. You are invited to join once again (or for the first time) to the annual community event. This year, we will be hosted by our community’s Developer Advocate @Rene! Therefore, we will be merging the developers monthly event with the annual community event. Your participation and contributions have made this community thrive, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you! :hearts:

We are going to have three presentations from three helpful community members to share with us their personal experience, “What does the DHIS2 Community of Practice mean to you?” Stay tuned for the announcement of our presenters!

The EoY2023 event will be on Thursday December 14th, 2023


Add to your

download.ics file and import to your calendar

There will be several activities during the meetup, including a fun quiz and chances for everyone to win the CoP Activity Winner badge. The zoom link is in the calendar invitation above, but you can also register using the form below to receive the zoom link:

Click to view registration form:

We look forward to seeing you at the event! :tada:


When I downloaded the file and added it to Outlook, it showed the book for December 15 at 3 p.m.–4 p.m. but when it has been seen in the link of December 14, 2023, 13–14 pm.
please let me know which one is corrrect.


The correct date is 2023-12-14T10:00:00Z


Thanks @sami.oracle10g! The time might have changed based on your local time; however, the date is December 14! Thanks for the correction…

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Thanks everyone! It was great to hear about the CoP from all the different perspectives and see how how much it means to so many!

I’ve attached my slides in case anyone would find them helpful!

EoY COP event slides (plinnegan) (1).pptx (413.8 KB)


Thank you @Gassim and @Rene for hosting this community event :tada: :tada:.
I really did enjoy sharing my experience and learning from @plinnegan and @sami.oracle10g.

Here is my presentation

EoY2023 CoP Experience | Mayamiko


Thank you all!

Here’s the recording: