Defining whether Maps apply attribute category or not

Dear all,

I recently incorporated an attribute category into a capture program where multiple users are active in the same org unit. Restricting visuals on one dashboard to different user groups.

The attribute category works well as it allows us to disaggregate the data by “implementing partner” as expected. More specifically, the implementing partners work collaboratively so we have opted to include the implementing partner as a dimension in some visuals (displaying data originating from the implementing partner specifically) and others without the implementing partner as a dimension (displaying data originating from all the implementing partners == the entire org unit).

This allows the users to see their unique data as well as the accumulative data for the org unit.

The problem is that I cannot include the implementing partner as a dimension in maps. The maps automatically restrict to show only the implementing partners data based on the user that has logged in (the category option is user group specific obviously).

Is there a way to set up maps showing 1) the data specific to the implementing partner (first map) and 2) accumulative data for the Org unit (second map)?

Thank you in advance,


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Hey, yes I follow with you and glad the category option worked!

Have you tried adding a filter in the layer? For example, see screenshot:

It’s also possible to add more than one implementing partner:

Nonetheless, I think the sharing settings will still apply so make sure the users who will view the map have at least the “can view” for all the related data. (:

@ACoetzer1988 hope this works. Would you please take a screenshot for what’s not working - if it doesn’t? Thank you! :smiley: :+1:

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HI @Gassim,

I must admit that I forgot to mention that I want to apply the above mentioned criteria to an “event based map” specifically.

That being said, your advice works well for thematic maps as I could filter (or not) the data as per your example.

Is there any way to do the same for event based maps? The filter option there is only for “data item” and does not give me the option of filtering by dimension.

Thanks for everything you are helping with.


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Hi @Gassim,

Following on from my previous message.

Do you by any chance know whether it is possible to filter Event-based maps by implementing partner?

The advice you gave works well for thematic maps, but I can not seem to implement the same filter for the event-based maps.

Thank you in advance,


Hi @ACoetzer1988 ,

as you have pointed out, we don’t support attribute categories in event layers in Maps yet.

It is definitely a sensible requirement. If you could write up a Jira issue we can add it to the roadmap.

This is supported in the analytics API already so will be feasible to add to the web app.



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Thank you @Lars

I will write up an Jira issue as requested. Is there any work-around that I can try in the meantime?



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@ACoetzer1988, I haven’t tried it myself, but since @Lars says that it’s supported in the analytics API, maybe a workaround would be to use the analytics API? If you don’t mind me making a guess (and not an expert answer) then I’d say maybe you can use the Analytics API to download the data you need and see if it’s possible to export it into QGIS?

:smiley: Your opinion is welcome. Thanks!


Thank you, I will try as suggested and see if that way works for offline data analysis.

I have also logged the Jira issue, so hopefully it is something that can be incorporated into future versions.

Thanks once again for all the help and guidance. :smiley:

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Thank you! I added the CoP label to the issue and link to this topic post in comments as well as adding my vote! :smiling_face:

DHIS2-12041 | Filtering event-layer maps by attribute categories


I wanted to ask whether there has been any further developments or workarounds on this issue? I have voted on the JIRA issue for the time being.

This is a core aspect of our program too as we have multiple partners working in the same areas and therefore we would need to resolve this issue as soon as possible. In line with this, is there some means as to potentially hire a consultant/developer to address this issue? Is there a particular process to follow when developing features, or is it only possible for the core team to develop such features?

Any guidance on this would be helpful. Furthermore, if it is possible to hire somebody, it would be appreciated if you could share any possible recommendations.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!