data cannot be approved after adding donor and project attribute category combo to data set in maintenance, when i enter data using a facility level user role account with no approval rights, the district level user role account with approval rights fails to approve the data, it gives an error saying There was a problem saving this approval This data couldn’t be approved, Try again, or contact your system administrator. can anyone help me resolve this please? even after export analytics table, clear browser cache and update category combo option is done in data administration still this error comes. when i take the donor and project attribute category combo away from the data set, the approval is successful, what could be the problem? but i need donor and project attribute category combo to be part of this information. am using dhis2 2.40.3
this is the error am getting
Hi @Tambo
This is a well known issue. It’s has been a feature request [DHIS2-11518] - Jira. You can read more here: (Data Approval: Dataset with CategoryCombo (Attributes) keep saying "Approval status: Nothing to do")
You’re welcome to add this request into the ideas voting tool, read more in ideas.