Community Members learning, helping, and celebrating 🎉

Let’s start by celebrating with Uganda and congratulating them on their 10th DHIS2 implementation anniversary this year. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing the story with the community making it the top topic of the month. :tada:

Top Topics of the Month - August 2022

DHIS2 community members are eager to learn, and the continued introductions, discussions, and interaction is visible in the community dedicated and private space for the digital self-paced discussion forums. The announcement of the DHIS2 Aggregate Customization online course launch received the attention of many members.

That being said, we would like to congratulate @mbayefdieng for being the first to complete the DHIS2 Fundamentals courses.


Read more here: Insights from the first student to finish our new DHIS2 Fundamentals courses

We’re also proud to mention that last month’s copmonthly is also a top topic, and would like to remind you that you can also view the top support topics during the month to see if you could help your fellow members or to be aware of an issue that you could also face: Support - Assistance technique - DHIS2 Community

Speaking about helping others,

Thanks to all helpful members:

Good Samaritans

Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@WaluQ | @Natalie_Tibbels | @rithvik | @plinnegan | @janagha | @Eric_Boyd_Ramirez | @kstankevitz | @Gerald_Thomas | @Roshan.Konda | @OleksandrM | @raju | @Denilson | @WumiOjo | @fmwesigwa | @Sabri | @sanis | @didate | @Stephan_Mestach | @dmnscar | @diallotafsir52 | @potlaki | @Calle_Hedberg | @alanivey| @jthomas | @e4eDHIS2 | @HaydnJ | @Jermacias |

Bug Hunters

Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.

@Jermacias | @fernando | @chase.freeman | @sele | @fernando | @waviles

Feature Finders

We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post in the Development - Développement category as well as share the link to the feature request issue so other members can watch and vote. :+1:

Top 10 Active Users in August 2022

user name country
@jetisco4u Jet NIGERIA
@rithvik rithvik reddy INDIA
@ToufikHossain Toufik FRANCE
@lillian1n2 Lillian N. KENYA
raju Raju SMG NORWAY
@RaTED_S Tendai Hakata ZIMBABWE
@sosewe sosewe KENYA
@waviles William Aviles PANAMA

copmonthly map

Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged below but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.

Want to be added to the copmonthly map?
  1. Complete your profile info (profile picture + country)
  2. Members with the above info are tagged in the map when they help other community members

Made it to the top. Its been an interesting journey. I have been dissecting the system and impoverishing. It’s been worth the time.

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Yes, @jetisco4u, thank you so much for your participation! The questions you ask will help other community members too and it surely gives experts the opportunity to contribute. I wish you success in the DHIS2 learning and career path you are taking! :+1:

Thank you for sharing! I believe many in the community feel the same.

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You are right about the questions asked. I have found many helpful answers from questions asked by others. I only asked if I can’t get answer already in the community.

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:heartpulse: Thanks!