(Haliz T. Abdulbaqi)
8 October 2022 15:39
I am designing a tracker program using DHIS2 version hosted on linode using 8 GB RAM and 4 CPU cores using google Chrome web browser
in Registering a tracked entity instance when i fill the form and press either" save and continue" or “save and add new” i face the error of "please check import summary " and when i check it i find the following errors
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The key ‘Fu9E5yIH4qq’ was not found in the namespace ‘trackerCaptureGridColumns’.
can anyone please help me fix this problem???
(AL-Gassim Sharaf Addin)
10 October 2022 14:29
Hi @Haliz.t
Are you able to reproduce this on any of the play.dhis2.org instances? If so then please share the steps to reproduce…
Quoting @Markus about this issue:
The error message you are referring is in fact log noise, and would be expected for most users.
'The key ‘PNctgqYdXY6’ was not found in the namespace ‘trackerCaptureGridColumns’
The message implies that the user has not made their own configuration of the column order for the program being listed. It is regrettable that the console displays this error message, and we are looking at removing it - but it should not in itself represent a problem for the users.
Please see if this resource will help you find the import summary and then please share it here:
What to do when an error happens? How to check the import summary?
Thank you!
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