🌟 AI Generated summaries for each #DAC2024 session (Day 4) - Wiki

A wiki topic for each day in the dac2024 has been created with AI generated summaries for each session, these summaries are ordered in the same sequence as in the agenda.

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:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 1

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 2

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 3

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 4

Parallel Sessions:

FHIR, SMART Guidelines & DHIS2 🌐

FHIR, SMART Guidelines & DHIS2 :globe_with_meridians:

Introduction :clipboard:

This session explores the intersection of FHIR standards, SMART guidelines, and the DHIS2 platform, focusing on innovative approaches and practical applications in health information systems.

DHIS2: Integrating FHIR and SMART for Global Epidemic Intelligence :earth_africa:

  • Roadmap to Interoperability: Discusses the DHIS2 toolkit for zoonotic surveillance, emphasizing data exchange, event-based data collection, and cross-sector data sharing.
  • Tool Integration: Highlights the benefits of integrating FHIR and SMART guidelines to improve interoperability among health information systems globally.

DHIS2 FHIR Summary and Ongoing Work :mag:

  • Enhancing Interoperability: Focuses on how FHIR enhances DHIS2’s interoperability, including auto-generating FHIR facade middleware and expressing DHIS2 tracker metadata using FHIR.
  • Training and Implementation: Covers training for HISP integrators on working with FHIR implementation guides and mappings.

Integration Insights: HIV DAK and DHIS2 Toolkit Dynamics :hospital:

  • WHO Standards Adoption: Discusses the integration of the HIV Digital Adaptation Kit (DAK) with DHIS2, adopting WHO standards for person-centered monitoring.
  • Toolkit Components: Highlights the components of the DHIS2 HIV toolkit for data collection and analysis.

Key Points and Takeaways :old_key:

  • Data Models: Emphasizes the importance of understanding that DHIS2 has its own data model, and while FHIR is great for data exchange and interoperability, it’s not always practical to replace existing data models with FHIR.
  • Logical Models and Profiling: Stresses the significance of creating logical models for interoperability and the necessity of profiling FHIR to ensure meaningful data exchange.
  • Skills and Localization: Discusses the need for local skills to adapt FHIR profiles to specific environments and the importance of defining logical models before diving into technical implementations.
  • WHO Smart Guidelines: Highlights the evolution of WHO Smart Guidelines and their improved interoperability in recent versions, particularly for routine immunization and disease surveillance.

Practical Applications and Future Directions :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Case Studies and Examples: Presents practical examples of how the DHIS2 toolkit has been used in various countries, showcasing the benefits of integrating FHIR and SMART guidelines.
  • Automated Tools and Middleware: Introduces tools for auto-generating FHIR facades and the ongoing efforts to make these tools more user-friendly and widely adopted.
  • Training and Community Engagement: Encourages continuous training and engagement with the global DHIS2 community to spread skills and knowledge about FHIR and SMART guidelines integration.

Conclusion :rocket:

  • Vision for 2025: Aims to position DHIS2 as a leading platform for health data interoperability using FHIR, with a focus on continuous improvement, user feedback, and collaboration with international standards organizations.
DHIS2 for Logistics 🚚

DHIS2 for Logistics :truck:

Introduction and Overview :scroll:

  • Presenter: Bren Hor, LMIS Tech Lead at the HISP Centre, University of Oslo.
  • Bren provides an introduction to the session, emphasizing the importance of logistics in DHIS2 and setting the stage for five presenters who will showcase different use cases and country-specific implementations.

Key Points from Bren Hor’s Introduction :speaking_head:

  • Resources: Guidance and examples are available on the DHIS2 website and YouTube channel.
  • Approach: Focuses on optimizing supply chain management at the facility level, integrating logistics into the digital landscape.
  • Tools and Use Cases:
    • Stock management (monthly and transactional)
    • Cold chain equipment management
    • Biomedical equipment management through the tracker program
    • Proof of delivery using event programs
    • Data analytics for decision-making and reporting

Presentations :microphone:

  1. M Supply Foundation :earth_africa:
  • Presenters: Van and Craig
  • Overview: M Supply’s integration with DHIS2 focuses on offline capabilities, ensuring last-mile service points can operate efficiently even without internet access.
  • Key Features:
    • Offline functionality for daily operations like dispensing and stock takes.
    • Real-time regional collaboration when internet is available.
    • Integrated cold chain monitoring and equipment management.
  • Implementation Examples: Highlighted their use across various countries and detailed their transition to open-source software.
  1. Ministry of Health, Malawi :malawi:
  • Presenter: Blessings Kamanga
  • Focus: Cold chain equipment management using DHIS2 Tracker.
  • Implementation Details:
    • Transitioned from paper and Excel-based systems to digital tracking.
    • Registered and monitored equipment across 105 facilities during the pilot phase.
    • Plans to expand to more districts and integrate remote temperature monitoring.
  • Challenges: Data quality issues due to connectivity and use of personal devices.
  1. Medexus ELMS in Mali :mali:
  • Presenter: Kim V.
  • Project: Integration of Medexus with DHIS2 for improved health supply chain management in Mali.
  • Goals: Enhance data timeliness, completeness, and accuracy.
  • Implementation: Covers 26 health districts, focusing on free donor products.
  • Challenges: Synchronization issues and the need for consistent data entry.
  1. Ministry of Health, Somalia :somalia:
  • Presenter: Dr. Muhammad Hery
  • Current Use: Integrated logistics data with DHIS2, focusing on public health facilities.
  • Future Plans: Implement a comprehensive ELMS covering all programs and commodities, ensuring end-to-end visibility.
  • Phases: Pilot phase in selected districts and facilities, followed by full-scale implementation.
  1. SoftWorks LMIS :hammer_and_wrench:
  • Presenters: Mahmud Islam and Jean Pierre Sal
  • Overview: SoftWorks’ transactional LMIS built on DHIS2, focusing on end-to-end supply chain management.
  • Key Features:
    • Offline functionality with data synchronization.
    • Detailed stock management, reporting, and visualization capabilities.
    • Integration with DHIS2 for comprehensive data management.
  • Challenges: Handling large datasets and ensuring system scalability.

Conclusion and Q&A :question:

  • Key Takeaways:
    • Importance of understanding the country context and needs.
    • The necessity of stakeholder engagement and capacity building.
    • Benefits of integrating logistics data with DHIS2 for improved decision-making.
  • Audience Interaction: Questions addressed topics like system integration, data visibility, and the use of native DHIS2 features for cold chain management.

This summary captures the essential points and presentations from the session, highlighting the diverse use cases and innovations in logistics management using DHIS2.

Ethics / Do No Harm 🌍

Ethics / “Do No Harm” :earth_africa:

Introduction :star2:

  • Topic: Exploring ethical considerations for DHIS2 implementers, developers, and users.
  • Goal: Initiating a conversation about minimizing harm while maximizing good in the context of DHIS2 usage.

Frameworks and Ideas :bulb:

  • Traditional Methods: Discussion on traditional approaches in DHIS2 and how they may need to evolve.
  • New Perspectives: Emphasis on anticipating and mitigating harm rather than solely focusing on maximizing good.
  • Principles for Digital Development: Introduction of the latest principles that stress minimizing harm.

Ethical Obligations :earth_africa:

  • Different Stakeholders: Ethical responsibilities of various groups including HIS Center, DHIS2 implementers, and system owners.
  • Resource Utilization: Examination of resources used to think through ethical dilemmas and next steps.
  • Open Source Nature: How DHIS2’s open-source status impacts its ethical use and liability.

Key Ethical Questions :question:

  • Maximizing Good vs. Minimizing Harm: Debating whether DHIS2 should prioritize maximizing good or minimizing harm.
  • Who Decides What is Good?: Discussion on who should have the authority to decide what constitutes “good” in DHIS2 implementations.
  • Consequences of Ethical Decisions: Real-world implications of ethical choices made in the context of DHIS2.

Practical Examples :globe_with_meridians:

  • Biometrics and AI: The potential benefits and risks associated with integrating biometrics and AI into DHIS2.
  • Security and Privacy: Balancing the need for security with the ease of access for users.
  • Sensitive Data: Handling sensitive data such as religion or sexual orientation and the ethical dilemmas involved.

Community Engagement :earth_africa:

  • Stakeholder Involvement: Importance of involving various stakeholders, including civil society, in ethical decision-making.
  • Training and Education: Incorporating ethical considerations into DHIS2 training programs.
  • Ethical Frameworks: Developing and adhering to ethical frameworks that guide DHIS2 development and implementation.

Real-Life Scenarios :books:

  • Intentional vs. Unintentional Harm: Distinguishing between intentional and unintentional harm in DHIS2 implementations.
  • Data Minimization: Importance of minimizing data collection to reduce potential harm.
  • Ethical Review Boards: Proposal for establishing an ethical review board to evaluate DHIS2 features and support.

Ethical Licensing :scroll:

  • Open Source Licenses: Discussion on implementing ethical clauses in DHIS2’s open-source license to prevent misuse.
  • Do No Harm License: Exploring the possibility of adopting licenses that restrict DHIS2 usage for harmful purposes.

Conclusion and Future Steps :rocket:

  • Ongoing Conversation: Emphasis on the need for continuous dialogue on ethical considerations in DHIS2.
  • Community Feedback: Encouraging community input and engagement in shaping DHIS2’s ethical practices.
  • Commitment to Ethical Practices: HIS Center’s commitment to developing a clear ethical framework for DHIS2.

Short English Summary :earth_africa:

This session focused on the ethical considerations surrounding DHIS2 implementations. The discussion covered traditional and new perspectives on minimizing harm, the responsibilities of various stakeholders, and the importance of community engagement. Real-life scenarios and practical examples were used to illustrate the ethical dilemmas faced by DHIS2 implementers. The session concluded with a call for continuous dialogue and community feedback to develop a clear ethical framework for DHIS2.

Navigating the Transition - Updating to New DHIS2 Applications 🚀

Navigating the Transition - Updating to New DHIS2 Applications :rocket:

Introduction :sunrise:

The session, titled “Navigating the Transition: Updating to New DHIS2 Applications,” focused on transitioning from older DHIS2 apps to newer, improved applications. The session emphasized the importance of preparing for changes, despite potential challenges, to benefit from new features and better stability.

Key Points:

Overview of Transition :star2:
  • Speaker Introduction: The session began with the introduction of the speakers and an overview of the planned transition from old to new DHIS2 applications.
  • Transition Necessity: Highlighted the need for transitioning to new apps for improved features, stability, and long-term support.
Transition Challenges and Benefits :bulb:
  • Pain Points: Acknowledged that upgrading can be painful, especially for users accustomed to old apps.
  • Benefits: Emphasized new features, better stability, and modern technology support.
Specific App Changes :hammer_and_wrench:
  • Data Entry App: Old data entry app to be replaced by a new version with better functionality.
  • Tracker Capture App: Transition from the old Tracker Capture app to a new unified Capture app.
Transition Toolkits :package:
  • Purpose: Toolkits designed to assist in the transition process.
  • Contents: Included resources, implementation guidance, testing results, and training materials.
Implementation Guidance :memo:
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Importance of engaging stakeholders and understanding the impact on user workflows.
  • Planning and Testing: Advised to start testing new apps early to understand the impact and plan for training and support.
Examples and Case Studies :bar_chart:
  • Ghana’s Experience: Shared by Oswald from Ghana Health Service, detailing their transition process, challenges, and solutions.
  • User Feedback: Emphasized the importance of gathering user feedback and making iterative improvements.

Conclusion and Q&A :speaking_head:

  • Future Planning: Encouraged participants to plan their transition early and utilize the provided toolkits.
  • Support and Feedback: Urged users to provide feedback and seek support during the transition.

Summary of Key Takeaways :clipboard:

  • Transition is Necessary: Despite challenges, transitioning to new DHIS2 applications is crucial for future stability and feature enhancements.
  • Toolkits and Training: Utilize the provided transition toolkits and plan comprehensive training and support for users.
  • Engage Stakeholders: Ensure stakeholder buy-in and involve them in the transition process.
  • Start Early: Begin testing and familiarizing with new applications early to smoothen the transition process.

This session provided a comprehensive overview of the transition to new DHIS2 applications, emphasizing the importance of preparation, stakeholder engagement, and utilizing available resources to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Research on Data Use 📊

Research on Data Use :bar_chart:

Introduction :star2:

Key Points :old_key:

Participatory Design and Action Research :blue_book:
  • The session emphasized going back to the roots of participatory design and action research.
  • Key Element: Diagnosis together with communities to understand data usage challenges.
  • The traditional issue: Data exists at the national level but is often unavailable at the district level.
Capacity Building and Workshops :mortar_board:
  • Efforts to build capacity through workshops on information system research fundamentals.
  • Workshops held in various regions: Gigal (Africa), Togo (West Africa), and Sri Lanka (global).
  • Participants included local HIS groups, Ministry of Health officials, and academic partners.
Importance of Data Use :chart_with_upwards_trend:
  • Emphasized the necessity of using data for decision-making at district levels.
  • Highlighted the transition from merely collecting data to actively using it for interventions and improvements.
Key Concepts and Tools :hammer_and_wrench:
  • Socio-Technical Approach: Integration of social and technical aspects in digital systems.
  • System Thinking: Understanding how different components of the health information system interact.
  • Data Use Workshops: Conducted to teach theoretical concepts and practical applications.
Case Studies and Examples :earth_africa:
  • Sri Lanka: Implementation of a system for tracking maternal and child health data at the field level.
  • Indonesia: Routine monthly data use meetings at health facilities, integrating various health programs.
  • Tanzania: District of Excellence (DOE) initiative to test innovations and improve data use practices at the district level.
Challenges and Solutions :shield:
  • Data Quality: Ensuring data integrity through proper validation and usage practices.
  • Integration Issues: Addressing the fragmentation of different health programs into a cohesive system.
  • Capacity Building: Providing continuous training and mentorship to health workers.
Future Directions :globe_with_meridians:
  • Digital Tools: Enhancing digital tools and dashboards for better data management and analysis.
  • Local Champions: Developing local champions to lead data use initiatives within their communities.
  • Research and Documentation: Ongoing efforts to document findings and share knowledge through publications and workshops.

Conclusion :checkered_flag:

  • The session highlighted the importance of using data effectively to drive health interventions and decision-making.
  • Emphasized the need for continuous capacity building, integration of socio-technical approaches, and strong governance.
  • Encouraged collaboration between local health information systems groups and ministries to enhance data use practices.
Health Partner Perspectives on the role of DHIS2 🌍

Health Partner Perspectives on the role of DHIS2 :earth_africa:


The session, moderated by Rebecca Potter from the University of Oslo, focuses on how DHIS2 enhances key public health functions like surveillance and international health regulations. Representatives from WHO, PAHO, CARPHA, and US CDC share their insights and experiences.

WHO Collaborating Center :mortar_board:

Rebecca Potter introduces the session, highlighting the collaborative efforts with WHO and other regional offices. Since 2017, the University of Oslo has been a WHO Collaborating Center, working across various WHO regional offices, including the Southeast Regional Office and the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).

PAHO’s Implementation of DHIS2 :hospital:

Talia Shay from the CDC’s Global Immunization Division and Felipe Aguilera Makora from PAHO discuss the transition to the VPD Smart system for vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) surveillance. They share lessons learned from implementing the new system in Paraguay.

Key Points:

  • Importance of robust VPD surveillance for early detection of outbreaks, identifying gaps in immunization coverage, and maintaining healthy populations.
  • Evolution of PAHO’s VPD surveillance system from PES and MES to the new DHIS2-based VPD Smart system.
  • Focus on measles, rubella, and polio surveillance, with plans to expand to other diseases.
  • Centralized data storage at the PAHO regional level, replacing the older esus system.

Paraguay Pilot Project :rocket:

Felipe Aguilera provides details on the VPD Smart pilot in Paraguay. The implementation roadmap includes system familiarization, data assessment, training, legacy data migration, and simultaneous data entry.


  • Collaboration between key stakeholders, including the Expanded Immunization Program, Central Health Region, and Central Laboratory.
  • Train-the-trainer approach to encourage knowledge sharing.
  • Goals include migrating Paraguay to a robust digital platform, setting an example for other countries, and fostering knowledge sharing.

Technical Details and Next Steps :wrench:

The technical implementation involves:

  • Weekly monitoring of key indicators (completeness, duplication, and consistency).
  • Evaluation and rollout across Paraguay after achieving 100% concordance.
  • Future integration with national health information systems and expansion to other countries.

Southeast Asia Regional Office Perspective :earth_asia:

Dr. Rita Raj Bandari from WHO Southeast Asia shares insights on strengthening health information systems in the region, which includes 11 diverse countries. She highlights the challenges and the importance of a country-specific approach to technical assistance.

Key Challenges:

  • High burden of TB, NCDs, and malnutrition.
  • Gaps in data quality, private sector reporting, hospital data, and analytical capacity.
  • Need for integrated data use to support policy and decision-making.

Collaborative Efforts with HISP Asia Hub :handshake:

Dr. Bandari emphasizes the collaboration with HISP Asia to provide parallel technical assistance across six countries, focusing on core DHIS2 support, specialized technical assistance, and capacity building.

Future Goals:

  • Empowering ministries of health to have ownership of data.
  • Ensuring data is trusted and used for decision-making and policy planning.


The session highlights the crucial role of DHIS2 in enhancing public health functions through robust data management and surveillance systems. Collaborative efforts between global health organizations and local stakeholders are essential for successful implementation and data use.

Key Takeaways:

  • Collaboration between international and local health organizations is vital for effective health data management.
  • Robust surveillance systems like DHIS2 are essential for early detection and response to health issues.
  • Continuous training, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement are crucial for successful DHIS2 implementation and data use.
Building Partnerships for Sustainable Systems 🤝

Building Partnerships for Sustainable Systems :handshake:

Introduction :globe_with_meridians:

  • Speaker: Anne Tang, Implementation Group at HISP Centre
  • Focus: Coordination of DHIS2 investments and plans
  • Challenge: Ensuring investments are well-coordinated and not duplicated, especially in countries with funding challenges for core HMIS operations.

The Importance of Sustainable Foundations :building_construction:

  • Key Point: Sustainable systems need investment in core building blocks like infrastructure, governance, master facility lists, and capacity building.
  • Visual Analogy: The “pretty house” on top of a shaky foundation – emphasizing the need to invest in foundational elements to prevent system collapse.

DHIS2 Maturity Profile Framework :bar_chart:

  • Purpose: A tool developed by HISP Centre to assess the strength and weaknesses of DHIS2 implementations.
  • Use: Helps identify areas for improvement and readiness for new projects.

Speakers and Their Contributions :speaking_head:

  1. Dr. Steve McFeely, WHO Headquarters
  • Topic: WHO’s perspective on supporting countries and the importance of interoperability and data governance.
  • Key Points:
    • Interoperability involves connecting heterogeneous systems.
    • Importance of data governance, infrastructure, and long-term investment.
  1. Mr. Hassan, Ministry of Health, Somalia
  • Topic: Somalia’s health information system journey and the integration of various systems into DHIS2.
  • Key Points:
    • Commitment from leadership and coordination with program teams is crucial.
    • Successful integration involves regular technical working group meetings and using local expertise.
  1. Dr. Kanda, Ministry of Health, South Sudan
  • Topic: Building sustainable systems in South Sudan and the challenges faced.
  • Key Points:
    • Dependency on donor support creates challenges.
    • Importance of standardizing tools, building capacity, and ensuring data quality.
    • Emphasis on leadership, coordination, and governance.

Panel Discussion Highlights :speech_balloon:

  • Moderated by: Sam Johnson Scott, GFF and World Bank
  • Key Themes:
    • Coordination Mechanisms: Importance of country-led mechanisms for alignment and defining priorities.
    • Sustainability: Trust and relationship building, capacity building, and addressing duplication of efforts.
    • Private Sector Involvement: Encouragement for private companies to support DHIS2 implementations and the need for collaboration.

Conclusion and Future Steps :rocket:

  • Next Steps for Somalia and South Sudan:
    • Continue improving coordination and alignment of resources.
    • Strengthen data use for health service improvement.
    • Develop an interoperability framework for integrating electronic medical records.
  • Call to Action: Emphasize the need for sustainable investments and long-term planning to ensure the success of DHIS2 implementations.

This session emphasized the critical role of coordination, leadership, and sustainable investments in strengthening DHIS2 implementations. It showcased practical examples from Somalia and South Sudan, highlighting the importance of government commitment and the need for continuous capacity building and stakeholder engagement.

DHIS2 Developers 💻

DHIS2 Developers :computer:

Introduction The “DHIS2 Developers” session at the DHIS2 Annual Conference 2024 is a vibrant developer meetup featuring various presentations, discussions, and insights from the DHIS2 core team and finalists from the app competition. This session aims to highlight the ongoing developments, challenges, and innovations within the DHIS2 developer community.

Session Highlights

  1. Welcome and Overview :star2:
  • The session begins with a warm welcome to both in-person and online participants. It is introduced as a developer meetup where the core team shares updates and developers present their projects and challenges.
  1. Android Development Updates :iphone:
  • Presenter: Victor
  • Victor, from the Android team, provides a high-level overview of the current status and future directions of Android development within DHIS2.
  • Key Points:
    • Transition from Java to Kotlin for better performance and code safety.
    • Migration from XML views to Compose components for a more flexible and efficient UI.
    • Introduction of a cross-platform initiative aiming to unify JavaScript and Java rule engines into a single codebase written in Kotlin.
  1. App Competition Finalists :globe_with_meridians:
  • Presenter: Abu Mar
  • Abu Mar from FHI 360 discusses the challenges faced during the app development process, focusing on version testing and deployment issues.
  • Key Points:
    • Functional and non-functional testing approaches.
    • Addressing version discrepancies and nested object returns in production.
    • Solutions implemented to handle these challenges and improve app reliability.
  1. Metadata Assignment Application :card_index_dividers:
  • Presenter: Rajab
  • Rajab from the University of Dar es Salaam shares the evolution and challenges of the metadata assignment application used in Tanzania.
  • Key Points:
    • Upgrading the application to align with DHIS2’s ecosystem and design system.
    • Handling dependencies and maintaining compatibility with newer DHIS2 versions.
    • Implementing wrappers to integrate React components into Angular applications.
  1. Metadata Sync Application :arrows_counterclockwise:
  • Presenter: Adrian
  • Adrian from ICT highlights the functionality and technical challenges of the metadata sync application, which facilitates synchronization between DHIS2 instances.
  • Key Points:
    • Partial updates in the data store to improve performance.
    • Managing sharing settings and migrations within the data store.
    • Building custom solutions for organizations like Samaritan’s Purse and MSF.
  1. Capture Plugins Integration :electric_plug:
  • Presenter: Eric
  • Eric introduces the capture plugins, a new way to extend the DHIS2 capture app without forking.
  • Key Points:
    • Form field and enrollment plugins to add custom logic and UI changes.
    • Example of a Civil Registry plugin fetching external API data.
    • The flexibility of plugins to support various use cases, including dependent fields and vaccine registry lookups.
  1. Moving to Vite for Better Performance :rocket:
  • Presenter: Kai
  • Kai discusses the migration from Create React App to Vite for building DHIS2 applications.
  • Key Points:
    • Improved performance and faster build times with Vite.
    • Better control over configurations and support for modern features.
    • Future plans to enhance the developer experience with more flexible and efficient tooling.

Conclusion The “DHIS2 Developers” session showcases the dynamic and collaborative nature of the DHIS2 developer community. Through insightful presentations and discussions, participants gain valuable knowledge about the latest developments, challenges, and innovative solutions within the DHIS2 ecosystem. The session emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement, community engagement, and the adoption of modern technologies to enhance the capabilities and performance of DHIS2 applications.

Plenary Sessions:

What's Next in DHIS2 🌟

What’s Next in DHIS2 :star2:

Introduction :globe_with_meridians:

Key Points :old_key:

Roadmap Process and Strategy :rocket:
  • Overview: The session begins with an overview of the roadmap process, emphasizing its continuous nature. Unlike a fixed annual cycle, the roadmap is likened to a never-stopping train with ongoing additions and adjustments.
  • Inputs and Prioritization:
    • Previous inputs and technical priorities.
    • Strategic decisions shaping the roadmap.
    • New requests and voting processes to determine community priorities.
Community Engagement and Voting :bar_chart:
  • New Approach: This year, a new voting process was tested with the community to identify priorities. The results were promising, with 14 out of the top 20 priorities from the HISP groups aligning with the community’s top choices.
  • Assessment Process: An impact and level of effort assessment was conducted, involving the core team, implementation team, and product managers to evaluate each request’s potential impact and required effort.
Strategic Priorities :earth_africa:
  1. Data Integration and Fragmentation
  • Problem: Fragmented DHIS2 instances within countries, making data integration challenging.
  • Solution: Developing tools and guidelines to integrate data from various sources into a unified system, facilitating comprehensive public health analytics.
  1. Tracker Analytics Improvement
  • Current Issue: Limited analytics capabilities for tracker data, leading to reliance on program indicators for basic aggregations.
  • Plan: Building a new combined event reports and event visualizer application for better tracker data analytics. This includes performance improvements and new backend technologies for enhanced data processing.
  1. Secondary Data Entry Optimization
  • Challenge: Inefficient data entry processes, especially for paper-first systems.
  • Focus: Enhancing user experience and workflow for faster digitization of data, including bulk actions, list-format data entry, and improved editing capabilities.
  1. Extensibility and Customization
  • Goal: Reduce the need for forking DHIS2 core or apps by providing better extensibility frameworks.
  • Approach: Introducing new extension points, reference implementations, and supporting the developer community to create, maintain, and share customizations effectively.
  1. Upgrading Support
  • Difficulty: Upgrading DHIS2 versions can be complex and resource-intensive.
  • Initiative: Focused support for countries to upgrade, including better testing, stable releases, and a comprehensive beta testing program with real-world data.
  1. User Experience Enhancement
  • Objective: Improve user interactions with DHIS2 through better design and usability.
  • Key Areas: Flexible workflows, secondary data entry improvements, and streamlined translation processes for easier localization and user acceptance.

Conclusion and Future Directions :star2:

  • Ongoing Improvements: The session emphasized the importance of continuous improvement and community feedback in shaping DHIS2’s future.
  • Tools and Processes: Moving requests and inputs to the ideas platform for more agile management and regular review.
  • Engagement: Encouraging ongoing dialogue with the community to refine and enhance the DHIS2 roadmap.
Feedback & Award Ceremony 🌟

Feedback & Award Ceremony :star2:

Introduction and Overview :globe_with_meridians:

  • Presenter: Various team members from the DHIS2 conference organizers.
  • Focus: Gathering feedback from participants and celebrating contributions through an award ceremony.
  • Note: Traditional feedback session using Mentimeter, followed by the awards ceremony.

Feedback Session :clipboard:

  1. General Feedback Collection :iphone:
  • Method: Participants use Mentimeter to provide feedback on the conference.
  • Instructions: Scan a QR code to start the feedback process.
  • Encouragement: Participants urged to provide honest feedback to improve future conferences.
  1. Feedback Questions and Responses :speech_balloon:
  • Overall Conference Experience:
    • Options: “Yes, 100%,” “More or less,” “Partially but a bit disappointing,” “Not at all.”
    • General sentiment was positive with most participants expressing satisfaction.
  • Length of Conference:
    • Options: “Four days is good,” “Too long,” “Two to three days would be better,” “Too short.”
    • Consensus: Four days is ideal.
  • Type of Sessions Preferred:
    • Popular choices included plenary, parallel, and networking sessions.
  • Number of Sessions:
    • Most agreed the number of plenary and parallel sessions was appropriate.
  • Networking and Lounges:
    • Positive feedback on the amount of networking opportunities; some suggestions for improvement like prescheduled meetings and professional speed dating.
  • Additional Session Formats:
    • Suggestions included more demos, group discussions, and workshops.
  • Favorite Sessions:
    • Highlights: Climate Health, Developers, Tracker, Education, and Analytics sessions.
  • Participant Count:
    • Attendance: Over 375 participants, an increase from 352 the previous year.
  1. Additional Comments :memo:
  • Food Feedback: Mixed reactions; efforts will continue to cater to diverse preferences.
  • Conference App (Drifter):
    • Majority found it useful and easier than printed agendas, though some preferred traditional methods.
  • Suggestions for Improvement:
    • Requests for more stories from the field, translations, and more interactive sessions.

Award Ceremony :trophy:

  1. Recognizing Contributions:
  • Emphasis on celebrating the community and individual contributions to DHIS2.
  1. Award Categories and Winners:
  • DHIS2 HISP Know-It-All Award: Scott R. Patrick
  • Community of Practice Activity Award: Jim Gray
  • DAC 2024 App Competition Winner: ICT Medad Sync Application
  • Most Abstracts Reviewed: Victoria, recognized for reviewing over 100 abstracts.
  • Most Sessions Hosted: Victoria, also recognized for hosting the most sessions.
  • Most Session Check-Ins: Kevin Harris
  • Most Active on Community of Practice: George Mevi
  • Most Active Organization on Community of Practice: ICT
  • Most Active on Social Media: Martin Nutu and ICT
  1. Special Recognition:
  • Volunteers from the University of Oslo, including key individuals like Karolina, Rachel, and the driving force behind the event, Alice.

Conclusion :tada:

  • Closing Remarks:
    • Thanks to all participants for their feedback and engagement.
    • Encouragement for ongoing community participation and improvement.
  • Future Events:
    • Continuous improvement based on feedback and suggestions.

Summary in Brief :star2: The “Feedback & Award Ceremony” session at the DHIS2 Annual Conference 2024 focused on gathering participant feedback through interactive tools and recognizing significant contributions from the community through various awards. The session highlighted the positive feedback, areas for improvement, and celebrated the achievements of individuals and teams who contributed to the success of the conference.

Panel - 30 Years of HISP 🌍

Panel - 30 Years of HISP :earth_africa:

Introduction and Context :globe_with_meridians:

  • Title: Panel - 30 Years of HISP
  • Date: Day 4
  • Link: Panel: 30 Years of HISP
  • Focus: Reflecting on the 30-year journey of the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP), its evolution, and the impact on global health information systems.

Historical Overview and Founding Principles :scroll:

Founding and Early Days

  • Founders: Discussion led by key figures like Jørn Braa, focusing on the origins of HISP in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
  • Early Projects: Initial projects in Tanzania and South Africa, emphasizing action research and district-based health information systems.

Key Milestones and Development :star2:

  • Evolution: From initial implementations in Africa to a global network.
  • Collaborations: Partnerships with institutions like the University of Oslo and University of Western Cape.
  • Equity and Bottom-Up Development: Core principles that have guided HISP’s approach to building robust health information systems.

Significant Contributions and Challenges :hammer_and_wrench:

  • Scalability: Efforts to scale systems from district-level implementations to national and global levels.
  • Technical Innovations: Transition from paper-based to digital systems, incorporating new technologies and methodologies over the decades.

Personal Reflections and Anecdotes :speaking_head:

Notable Experiences

  • Jørn Braa: Shared personal anecdotes from the early days, including the action research approach and the initial challenges faced in Tanzania and South Africa.
  • Jan Øverland and Other Pioneers: Reflections on the practical aspects of developing and implementing health information systems in resource-constrained settings.

Community and Culture :earth_africa:

  • Community Building: The role of HISP in fostering a global community of health information system professionals.
  • Cultural Impact: Stories of collaboration, innovation, and the cultural nuances that have influenced HISP’s growth.

Educational Contributions :mortar_board:

  • PhD and Master’s Programs: Development of academic programs in health informatics, training the next generation of HIS professionals.
  • Capacity Building: Focus on building local capacity and empowering health professionals in various countries.

Impact and Legacy :star2:

Global Reach and Influence

  • Expansion: From initial projects in Africa to a presence in over 80 countries.
  • Key Projects: Examples of successful implementations in countries like India, Nigeria, and Vietnam.

Technological Advancements :rocket:

  • DHIS2 Evolution: The development and continuous improvement of the District Health Information Software (DHIS2), a flagship product of HISP.
  • Integration and Interoperability: Efforts to integrate DHIS2 with other health information systems and improve data interoperability.

Future Directions and Sustainability :seedling:

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Focus on creating sustainable health information systems that can withstand changes and challenges.
  • Innovation and Adaptation: Emphasis on adapting to new technologies and health challenges, ensuring that HISP remains at the forefront of health information systems development.

Conclusion and Celebrations :tada:

  • 30-Year Milestone: Celebration of HISP’s 30-year journey, highlighting the achievements and the impact on global health information systems.
  • Looking Forward: Encouragement for continued collaboration, innovation, and commitment to improving health information systems worldwide.

Summary in Brief

The “Panel - 30 Years of HISP” session at the DHIS2 Annual Conference 2024 celebrated the 30-year journey of the Health Information Systems Programme. It highlighted the origins, key milestones, significant contributions, and personal reflections from key figures involved in the program. The session underscored the importance of equity, community building, and sustainability in the evolution of health information systems.

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