🌟 AI Generated summaries for each #DAC2024 session (Day 1) - Wiki

A wiki topic for each day in the dac2024 has been created with AI generated summaries for each session, these summaries are ordered in the same sequence as in the agenda.

Please note that, although these have been generated by the latest GPT module, it is possible that they contain errors; therefore, this post has been made as a wiki so that necessary modifications can be made by other community members especially speakers.

Thank you! :rose:

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 1

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 2

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 3

:placard: AI Generated summaries for #DAC2024 sessions Day 4

Plenary Sessions:

Opening Ceremony 🎉

Opening Ceremony :tada:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The ceremony kicks off with a warm welcome to all attendees. The excitement is palpable as over 400 participants from 74 different countries and 152 unique organizations gather in person, with an additional 800 people joining online. This diverse group sets the stage for an enriching and dynamic conference.

Diversity and Global Representation :earth_africa:

The speaker highlights the incredible diversity of the conference attendees, spanning from the Caribbean to Africa, Asia, and beyond. Special mention is made of the significant participation from the Caribbean, including representatives from the Caribbean Public Health Agency and countries like St. Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Importance of Reliable Data :bar_chart:

A key theme of the opening remarks is the importance of reliable data in healthcare. The speaker underscores the critical role that accurate data plays in making informed decisions and improving public health outcomes globally.

Acknowledgment of Online Participants :computer:

The speaker expresses appreciation for the robust online participation, noting that more than 800 individuals are tuning in virtually. This hybrid model ensures a broader reach and inclusivity for those who could not attend in person.

Looking Forward to an Exciting Week :rocket:

The opening ceremony sets an enthusiastic tone for the week ahead, promising a series of insightful sessions, collaborative discussions, and networking opportunities. The anticipation is high for a productive and enjoyable conference experience.

What's New in DHIS2? 🚀

What’s New in DHIS2? :rocket:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome to all attendees. The speaker sets the stage for the highly anticipated “What’s New” segment, emphasizing the focus on the latest developments and improvements in DHIS2.

Overview of the Session :date:

The speaker outlines the session’s agenda, highlighting the presentation of new features and enhancements in the latest DHIS2 version. This session aims to showcase the hard work of developers, implementers, and the broader DHIS2 community over the past year.

Presentation of the New Features :new:

Introduction by Marcus :loudspeaker:

Marcus kicks off the detailed overview of the annual release. He provides an introduction to the new features and improvements, setting the context for the subsequent presentations.

Maintenance and Aggregated Data Entry :hammer_and_wrench:

David takes the stage to discuss enhancements in the maintenance and aggregated data entry modules. These improvements aim to streamline data management processes, making them more efficient and user-friendly.

User Interface and Experience Enhancements :desktop_computer:

The next presenter highlights significant updates to the user interface and overall user experience. These changes are designed to enhance usability and accessibility, ensuring a smoother interaction with the DHIS2 platform.

Analytics and Reporting :chart_with_upwards_trend:

New features in the analytics and reporting modules are presented, showcasing advanced capabilities for data analysis and visualization. These updates empower users to gain deeper insights from their data, supporting better decision-making.

Mobile Application Updates :iphone:

The session also covers updates to the DHIS2 mobile application. These improvements focus on enhancing functionality and performance, enabling users to access and manage data on the go more effectively.

Security and Compliance :lock:

The final segment addresses security and compliance enhancements. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining high standards for data security and privacy, ensuring that DHIS2 remains a trusted tool for health information management.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with the presenters and ask questions about the new features and updates. This interactive portion provides valuable insights and clarifications, fostering a deeper understanding of the latest DHIS2 developments.

Parallel Sessions:

Beyond Connectivity: DHIS2's Offline Capabilities in Action 🌐

Beyond Connectivity: DHIS2’s Offline Capabilities in Action :globe_with_meridians:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome from Victor Garcia and Jose Garcia, members of the DHIS2 Android and mobile teams. They introduce the focus of the session, which is on exploring DHIS2’s offline capabilities through real-world use cases.

Session Overview :date:

Focus on Offline Capabilities :calling:

The session is aptly titled “Beyond Connectivity,” emphasizing the importance of DHIS2’s functionality in environments with limited or no internet access. The speakers outline the agenda, which includes four use case presentations, each demonstrating different aspects of addressing offline challenges.

Use Case Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

Use Case 1: Offline Data Collection :memo:

The first use case highlights the implementation of offline data collection tools. This segment showcases how DHIS2 can be utilized in remote areas to gather and store data effectively without requiring continuous internet connectivity.

Use Case 2: Offline Analytics and Reporting :bar_chart:

The second presentation delves into offline analytics and reporting capabilities. The speaker demonstrates how users can generate and analyze reports offline, ensuring that critical data-driven decisions can be made even in the absence of an internet connection.

Use Case 3: Mobile Applications in Offline Mode :iphone:

The third use case focuses on the mobile application and its offline functionalities. This part illustrates the seamless transition between online and offline modes, enabling users to access and manage data efficiently regardless of their connectivity status.

Use Case 4: Hybrid Solutions for Offline Challenges :arrows_counterclockwise:

The final use case presents hybrid solutions for offline challenges, showcasing various approaches to ensuring data integrity and accessibility. This includes the integration of offline and online systems to provide a robust and flexible data management solution.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with the presenters and ask questions about the offline capabilities of DHIS2. This interactive portion provides valuable insights and clarifications, highlighting the adaptability and resilience of DHIS2 in diverse environments.

DPG for DPI 🌐

DPG for DPI :globe_with_meridians:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session opens with a discussion on Digital Public Goods (DPG) and Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). The focus is on supporting countries in building robust digital infrastructure across various sectors, including health, education, and climate.

Session Overview :date:

The Importance of Digital Public Infrastructure :earth_africa:

The speaker emphasizes the significance of digital public infrastructure in enhancing various sectors. The aim is to build capacity for creating digital solutions that serve as global goods, benefiting countries worldwide.

Highlighting Key Initiatives and Collaborations :handshake:

Collaboration with NORAD :mortar_board:

A significant highlight of the session is the collaboration with NORAD, which has supported nine PhD students in building capacity for digital public goods and infrastructure. The speaker introduces El Marty, who played a crucial role in this initiative.

Presentation by El Marty :microphone:

Capacity Building for Digital Solutions :hammer_and_wrench:

El Marty presents the efforts and achievements of the nine PhD students supported by NORAD. These students are working on building digital public goods and infrastructure, demonstrating the impact of collaborative efforts in this domain.

Cross-Sectoral Impact :globe_with_meridians:

El Marty discusses the cross-sectoral impact of digital public infrastructure, showcasing how digital solutions can enhance not only the health sector but also education, climate, and other critical areas.

Future Directions and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with insights into future directions for DPG and DPI. The Q&A segment allows attendees to engage with the presenters, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the initiatives and their implications for global development.

Innovative Solutions for Health: Africa Spotlight 🌍

Innovative Solutions for Health: Africa Spotlight :earth_africa:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome to all attendees, highlighting the focus on innovative uses of DHIS2 across the African continent. The Africa Spotlight session features five presentations showcasing diverse applications of DHIS2 in health initiatives.

Session Overview :date:

Spotlight on Africa :star2:

The speaker introduces the session’s theme, emphasizing the innovative solutions being implemented across Africa. This spotlight session aims to share successful stories and best practices from different regions.

Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

Presentation 1: Ethiopia - The Seqota Declaration :scroll:

Speaker: Taren Nessa from the Ministry of Health, Ethiopia :ethiopia:

Taren Nessa discusses how DHIS2 is used as a multi-sectoral platform to improve nutrition outcomes in Ethiopia. He shares insights on the Seqota Declaration, an all-of-government approach that leverages DHIS2 for better coordination and impact across various sectors.

Presentation 2: Multi-Sectoral Use of DHIS2 in Ethiopia :hospital:

The second presentation continues with a focus on Ethiopia, elaborating on the multi-sectoral applications of DHIS2. The speaker highlights the role of DHIS2 in addressing various health and nutrition challenges, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness.

Presentation 3: Innovative Health Solutions in [Country] :globe_with_meridians:

Speaker: [Speaker’s Name]

The third presentation showcases innovative health solutions implemented using DHIS2 in another African country. The speaker discusses specific projects and initiatives that have successfully utilized DHIS2 to improve health outcomes and tackle unique challenges.

Presentation 4: DHIS2 for Maternal and Child Health :chart_with_upwards_trend:

The fourth presentation focuses on the use of DHIS2 for enhancing maternal and child health services. The speaker shares detailed case studies and practical applications, illustrating how DHIS2 has been instrumental in improving health indicators and service delivery.

Presentation 5: DHIS2 in Action: Success Stories from [Country] :globe_with_meridians:

Speaker: [Speaker’s Name]

The final presentation in this session explores various success stories from another African country. The speaker emphasizes the role of DHIS2 in supporting sustainable health solutions, providing a comprehensive overview of the project’s impact and future directions.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with the presenters, ask questions, and gain deeper insights into the innovative uses of DHIS2 in Africa. This interactive portion fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration among participants.

Extending DHIS2 🔧

Extending DHIS2 :wrench:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome to both in-person and online attendees. The speaker introduces the focus of the session, which is on extending and adapting DHIS2 to meet local use cases.

Session Overview :date:

Understanding Extensions and Adaptations :globe_with_meridians:

The speaker outlines the session’s agenda, emphasizing the importance of extensions and adaptations in making DHIS2 a versatile tool for diverse needs. The session aims to showcase various ways in which DHIS2 can be customized and extended.

Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

Overview of Extension Use Cases :scroll:

The first presentation provides an overview of different extension use cases. The speaker highlights how DHIS2 has been adapted to meet specific local requirements, demonstrating the flexibility of the platform.

Presentation 1: Local Use Cases and Custom Solutions :hospital:

The first detailed presentation delves into specific local use cases where DHIS2 has been extended. The speaker discusses various custom solutions implemented to address unique challenges, showcasing practical examples of DHIS2 adaptations.

Presentation 2: Tools and Techniques for Extending DHIS2 :hammer_and_wrench:

The second presentation focuses on the tools and techniques used to extend DHIS2. The speaker elaborates on different methods for customization, providing insights into the technical aspects of extending the platform.

Presentation 3: Collaboration and Community Contributions :earth_africa:

The third presentation highlights the role of collaboration and community contributions in extending DHIS2. The speaker discusses how the DHIS2 community works together to develop new features and share best practices, emphasizing the collective effort in enhancing the platform.

Presentation 4: Future Directions for DHIS2 Extensions :rocket:

The final presentation explores future directions for DHIS2 extensions. The speaker provides a forward-looking perspective on potential new features and improvements, discussing ongoing projects and upcoming developments in the DHIS2 ecosystem.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with the presenters, ask questions, and gain deeper insights into the process of extending and adapting DHIS2. This interactive portion fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration among participants.

Feedback, Jira & Quality 📋

Feedback, Jira & Quality :clipboard:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome from Lena, the QA lead at DHIS2. She sets the stage for the session by introducing the topics to be covered: feedback, Jira, and quality management over the past year.

Session Overview :date:

Focus on Quality Assurance :hammer_and_wrench:

Lena provides an overview of the session’s agenda, emphasizing the importance of quality assurance in the development and maintenance of DHIS2. The goal is to share the improvements and processes implemented to enhance the quality of the platform.

Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

Introduction to Quality Assurance :scroll:

Lena kicks off the session with a brief introduction to the quality assurance processes at DHIS2. She explains the role of QA in ensuring the reliability and performance of the platform.

The Cleanup Mission :broom:

Lena discusses the “cleanup mission” undertaken over the past year, focusing on bug management. She highlights the efforts made to identify and resolve bugs, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Triaging Process Improvements :mag:

The next segment covers the improvements in the triaging process for handling bugs. Lena explains how the team has refined their approach to bug triaging, making it more efficient and effective.

Bug Bashes and Bugathons :lady_beetle:

Lena shares insights on the bug bashes and bugathons conducted over the year. These events brought together team members to collaboratively identify and fix bugs, significantly improving the platform’s stability.

Quality Process Meetings :bar_chart:

The presentation continues with a discussion on the quality process meetings held within the team. Lena outlines the key topics and decisions made during these meetings, focusing on continuous improvement.

Insider Tips and Best Practices :star2:

Lena concludes the session with insider tips and best practices for quality assurance. She shares valuable lessons learned and practical advice for maintaining high-quality standards in software development.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session wraps up with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with Lena and ask questions about the feedback, Jira, and quality management processes. This interactive portion provides deeper insights and fosters knowledge sharing among participants.

Integration Lessons & Stories from the Field 🌍

Integration Lessons & Stories from the Field :earth_africa:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome to all attendees. The speaker sets the stage for the session, highlighting the focus on integration lessons and real-world stories from the field.

Session Overview :date:

Integration Experiences :globe_with_meridians:

The speaker introduces the session’s agenda, emphasizing the importance of learning from practical experiences in integrating DHIS2 with other systems. The goal is to share valuable insights and lessons learned from various integration projects.

Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

Presentation 1: Integrating EMR with DHIS2 in Kenya :scroll:

Speaker: Dr. Ayub Manya from Kenya :kenya: (@Manya)

Dr. Ayub Manya shares his experiences in integrating an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system with DHIS2 in Kenya. He discusses both the technical successes and the social challenges encountered during the integration process. The presentation highlights the importance of addressing both technical and social aspects to ensure successful integration.

Overcoming Technical Challenges :wrench:

Dr. Manya elaborates on the technical steps taken to achieve integration. He explains the methods used to connect the EMR system with DHIS2, providing detailed insights into the technical aspects of the project.

Addressing Social Challenges :couple:

The presentation also covers the social challenges faced during the integration. Dr. Manya emphasizes the need for stakeholder engagement and effective communication to overcome resistance and ensure smooth implementation.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices :star2:

Dr. Manya concludes his presentation by sharing the key lessons learned from the integration project. He offers best practices and practical advice for others undertaking similar projects, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to integration.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session wraps up with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with Dr. Manya and ask questions about the integration process. This interactive portion provides deeper insights and fosters knowledge sharing among participants.

Climate & Health 🌍

Climate & Health :earth_africa:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome to all attendees. The speaker introduces the critical topic of climate change and its impact on health, emphasizing the need for integrated approaches to tackle these challenges.

Session Overview :date:

Climate Change and Health :thermometer:

The speaker outlines the session’s agenda, focusing on the various ways climate change impacts health. This includes temperature increases, changes in rainfall patterns, droughts, and their effects on disease spread and malnutrition.

Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

Impact of Climate Change on Health :scroll:

The first presentation discusses the broad impacts of climate change on health. The speaker highlights how extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, flooding, and air pollution, affect vulnerable populations and contribute to the spread of infectious diseases and malnutrition.

Enhancing Climate Resilience in Health Systems :hospital:

The second presentation focuses on enhancing climate resilience within national health systems. The speaker discusses strategies for integrating climate information into health programs, which can help countries plan better, be better prepared, and predict future challenges.

Developing Climate and Health Analytical Tools :bar_chart:

The third presentation covers the development of climate and health analytical tools. These tools aim to provide early warning systems and monitoring mechanisms that can help mitigate the health impacts of climate change.

Case Studies and Success Stories :star2:

The final presentation shares case studies and success stories from various countries. The speaker illustrates how different regions have successfully integrated climate information into their health systems, providing practical examples of resilience-building.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with the speakers and ask questions about the integration of climate information into health systems. This interactive portion fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration among participants.

Capacity Strengthening 📚

Capacity Strengthening :books:

Welcome and Introduction :wave:

The session begins with a warm welcome from Shurajit Dutta from the capacity building team at the University of Oslo. He sets the stage by introducing the session’s focus on capacity building and the various resources available.

Session Overview :date:

Comprehensive Capacity Building :star2:

Shurajit outlines the agenda, emphasizing the importance of capacity building in enhancing the effectiveness and reach of DHIS2. The session includes multiple presentations from team members and collaborators.

Presentations :hammer_and_wrench:

In-Person Training and Revised Academy Model :scroll:

Speaker: Shurajit Dutta

Shurajit discusses the in-person training sessions and introduces the revised Academy model. He highlights the key components of the model, which aim to provide more structured and comprehensive training for DHIS2 users.

Core Team Approach :couple:

Shurajit also introduces the “core team approach,” a novel strategy in capacity building. This approach focuses on building strong core teams within organizations to drive training and implementation efforts, ensuring sustainable knowledge transfer and capacity enhancement.

Online Training and Resources :satellite:

Speakers: Alejandra and Matthew

Alejandra and Matthew discuss the online training initiatives, including updates on new resources and tools available for DHIS2 users. They emphasize the flexibility and accessibility of online training, which allows for continuous learning and capacity building.

Real-World Applications and Success Stories :earth_africa:

The session features presentations from colleagues, including Toang, who shares real-world applications and success stories of the online training programs. These stories illustrate the impact of capacity building on improving DHIS2 implementation and usage in various contexts.

Conclusion and Q&A :microphone:

The session concludes with a Q&A segment, allowing attendees to engage with the presenters, ask questions, and gain deeper insights into the capacity building efforts. This interactive portion fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration among participants.


Thanks @Gassim.Is one allowed to highlight any errors noted so that corrections can be made?
I have noted a few.

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Yes, @Mbevi definitely! It’s a wiki because we’re aware the AI module could generate some mistakes. Please feel free to make these modifications directly to the post.

@Mbevi, I saw the changes you made. Thank you! The AI didn’t recognize the name so it was great that you made that change. We could also tag @Manya in that section :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thanks too.Yes can tag him along