About the COVID-19 category

The COVID-19 category is for discussion, information sharing, implementation guidance, and support questions related to using DHIS2 in response to the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic.

DHIS2 has released a digital data package to accelerate case detection, situation reporting, active surveillance and response for COVID-19. General information and updated links can be found here: https://www.dhis2.org/covid-19

You can test an interactive demo of the DHIS2 COVID-19 Surveillance Tracker here: https://covid.dhis2.org/demo

Useful Links:

The announcement thread for this package contains useful comments and feedback on issues encountered during setup. Read the conversation here.

Background Information on the DHIS2 COVID-19 Surveillance Tracker:
The package is inspired by the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka’s pioneering design of DHIS2 tracker for COVID-19 case detection and draws on years of collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to develop information system standards for case-based disease surveillance. The COVID-19 digital data package includes standard metadata aligned with the WHO’s interim guidance on global surveillance for human infection with COVID-19 and implementation guidance to enable rapid deployment in countries. The package supports surveillance workflows and automated analysis for three key components of routine and active surveillance:

  1. Case-based surveillance tracking: enrolls & tracks suspected cases; captures symptoms, demographics, risk factors & exposures; creates lab requests; links confirmed cases with contacts; and monitors patient outcomes. This package can be installed as a standalone COVID-19 package or can be integrated into a country’s existing integrated disease surveillance & response tracker.
  2. Contact-tracing program: strengthens active case detection through contact tracing activities, such as identification and follow-up of contacts of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case.
  3. Ports of Entry tracker: enrolls travelers who have visited high-risk locations at Ports of Entry for 14-day monitoring and follow-up.

All digital data packages are optimized for Android data collection with the DHIS2 Capture App, which is free to download on the Google Play store .


A post was split to a new topic: Can’t go past enrollment after installing COVID-19 package on 2.32