DHIS2 App developers have worked so hard to create amazing DHIS2 apps to submit them for the DHIS2 Annual Conference 2024 App Competition. The DHIS2 core team has selected three finalists, and now it’s time for the community to vote for the winner.
We had some great submissions this year, and we want to thank everyone who participated and submitted their applications. This community of developers is inspiring, and the quality of apps in this competition never ceases to impress us.
We would like to extend a special congratulations to the three finalists who have been selected this year!
In random order, here are the finalists:
MetaData Assignment
The MetaData Assignment DHIS2 application is a tool designed to simplify the management of various metadata elements, including organization units, data sets, and programs, with the goal of streamlining the assignment of multiple metadata items simultaneously. It not only aims to ease the burden on national administrators by supporting decentralized management of certain metadata but also ensures that lower-level users, such as districts or regions, have the ability to handle assignments within their respective areas. With features like instant data saving upon assignment, robust searching capabilities, and support for collective assignment or un-assignment of datasets and programs, DHIS2 empowers users to efficiently manage metadata. Moreover, upcoming milestones, including customizable table layouts, detailed assignment counts, and guided application tours, promise to enhance user experience and accessibility, making DHIS2 a valuable asset for effective metadata management.
MetaData Assignment video:
MetaData Sync
If you work within the DHIS2 ecosystem, you are already aware that each instance of DHIS2 is a self-contained environment and sharing data and metadata across multiple implementations can be a challenging and laborious process.
MetaData Sync is a DHIS2 application that has been conceived and designed to simplify and automate the process of sending data and metadata from one DHIS2 instance to one or several other DHIS2 implementations, however different they might be.
This tool will save you a lot of time and effort syncing data and metadata between diverse DHIS2 instances.
MetaData Sync video:
Form Forge is a DHIS2 platform app that simplifies the creation of custom forms for medium to large scale aggregate datasets. Form Forge comes as a response to the growing need for streamlined data entry solutions in DHIS2. This app is designed for data administrators familiar with DHIS2 aggregate systems. Form Forge takes advantage of the DHIS2 API and App Platform to implement a simple and comprehensive process to help customize the aggregate data elements and its associated metadata needed to generate data entry forms for datasets. Users can configure data entry fields into a standardized HTML format, based on the familiar DATIM user interface design.
Custom form design is abstracted as a configuration process, and data forms can be saved and versioned without interrupting use of an existing dataset form. Utilizing the DHIS2 UI library components, the configurations within Form Forge may include navigations, sections, form labels, and exclusion rules to be rendered in the published DHIS2 data entry forms.
With Form Forge, data quality is improved as many error-prone aspects of custom form development are removed, reducing testing and rework time.
Form Forge video:
Voting polls for the 3 finalists of the DHIS2 App Competition!
Unlike previous years, everyone on the Community of Practice will be able to vote for the finalists throughout the week. This poll will be open until 12:00 noon CET on Thursday, June 13, and the winner will be announced at the award ceremony session that afternoon.
Voting Instructions:
You only have one vote for each finalist.
Voting time is limited so make sure you vote before the voting is closed.
Results will be shown once the voting is complete.
- MetaData Sync
- Form Forge
- MetaData Assignment