Zoom function in DHIS2 Map App, displays conflicting informations

Hi, Community
Let me share with you an anomaly that I encountered in DHIS2 map app.
When I display the data of an event program on a map, when I use the zoom function the displayed data is not the same.
For example: the facilitys number is 4, when I zoom I find a total of 6 facilitys, so I don’t understand why this difference is.
Thank you in advance for your time.

InkedCapture d'écran 2021-11-20 13.47.35_LI

InkedCapture d'écran 2021-11-20 13.45.19_LI

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@elmoujarrade - thanks for your question.

Do you zoom in/out using the + / - ? or did you click the circle with 6?

Hi, @Matthieu
I do both ways, it gives the same results.

This might be a good ticket in jira, @elmoujarrade I’ve experienced similar issues


Agree with @Matthew_Boddie :+1:


I posted in JIRA
Thank you


[DHIS2-12177] - Jira see it here and voted!


Thanks! I did my share too! :smiley: Voted, added the CoP label and comment with link to this topic. (:


@elmoujarrade actually just talked about this with a colleague. Any chance there aren’t two points with the same GPS that are just showing up on top of one another?

Hi, @Matthew_Boddie
I first thought that, but I have checked several times, there is only one GPS point for each event.
Moreover, I noted this anomaly at other locations.

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Did my share as well :wink:. Looking forward to hear from the core team, maybe a gis issue?


Thanks! BTW, @Bjorn_Sandvik is already looking into the issue and said will update it soon. :+1:

Hi, I have looked at the data behind the above map and the number (6) is correct. 3 events are placed on top of each other (they have the same coordinate):

There is still a bug, as we should show a cluster also on the innermost zoom level, and I’ve created a JIRA issue for this: [DHIS2-12196] - Jira


Hi, @Bjorn_Sandvik
Thanks for explaining this case.
But, the overlay of the coordinates must not hide the label of each health facilities.
thank you for creating a JIRA issue for this.

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