Working lists across program stages

Hi DHIS2 Community,

We’re trying to configure a working list across program stages in Capture App for display in the Android app.

In our hypertension program we have two stages:

  1. Record a hypertension visit (where BPs and medicines are recorded) and
  2. Overdue calling report (health workers can call patients overdue for their hypertension visit and record the outcome of the call in this report).

Use case: We want to create a working list of patients overdue for their hypertension visit that have yet to be called. This is the working list for health workers to work through and make calls.


  1. We can’t create working lists across program stages, we can only create a working list of patients overdue for their hypertension visit (but this includes patients that have already been called + patients yet to be called) and cannot add a filter for the calling report event status
  2. We can’t create a working list where filters that have the operation “NOT IN”

Is there any configuration that you’ve come across that could solve this problem?

Is there no data element that can differentiate between those that have been called and those that are yet to be called?

What are the options that the filter provide? Is this for the program stage? For example, you want to select all program stages except one? Yes, there isn’t the option to filter using a ‘not in’ logic, but this sounds like a reasonable suggestion. You can add more description to this use case and create an idea, see ideas!
