Where are the files located in the adroid app?


We have an android app that collects images with an specific android device in a medical environmet.
Those images are sent to the android app (developed using the DHIS2 sdk) by the device and then transfered to the server by the user.

We are having problems with one of the tablets in the field. The user cannot transfer the images becouse the syncronization of data between the tablet and the server cannot be done.

We are thinking about making a backup of the Tablet becouse otherwise we will lose the images and they are very important for us.

I tried to connect to another tablet but did not manage to find the files containing the images.

Is this posible?


Hi @JaimeLopez

Is the tablet the problem with the sync or is it the user? Because, there is a possibility to export the database (v3.0) and then sync all the data from a different device.

@andresmr @vgarciabnz

Hello Nancy

Thank you for the answer. It is very valuable.
But we would want to extract both the files (images in this case) and the database from the android device so I as an remote administrator can recover those images asociated with their metadata.

Our android app is not the standard one. We made it ourselves using the android sdk.

Is it posible to get those files from the android device?



Hi @JaimeLopez !

There is no way to retrieve those images directly from the device so we might want to tackle this from the sync issue part. Could you please share more information about the sync issue? A screenshot or copy of the message should be fine.

Thank you.

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