What resources is the AWS File store provider use to process?

I implemented the AWS S3 File store provider in my dhis.conf for my 2.40.3 instance. I check the log and can confirm that there is no error connecting to the bucket I created.

When I check dhis2-core repo code, I saw that the ‘AWS S3 File store provider’ is used in the file C:\xxx\dhis2-core\dhis-2\dhis-services\dhis-service-core\src\main\java\org\hisp\dhis\appmanager\JCloudsAppStorageService.java and C:\xxxx\dhis2-core\dhis-2\dhis-services\dhis-service-core\src\main\java\org\hisp\dhis\fileresource\JCloudsFileResourceContentStore.java.

  1. Going by the file names does it mean it is used for App Storage and File Resource store?
  2. If so is there any documentation of how it works with the overall implementation or other resources?
  3. If it can be used for app storage can it replace the use of apphub?
  4. In a nutshell, what resources should utilize the aws_s3 file option?

You could configure your customized app hub and more it use AWS S3 for storage, read more here: GitHub - dhis2/app-hub: DHIS2 Application Hub

Yes, it’s possible to use the AWS S3 you are correct.

Thank you!

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