What does the info Data value is zero and insignificant mean in Catalina

I am getting the Info below in the Catalina logs when users attempt to submit a data value. What does it mean as I am having complain that the submission is failing.

INFO 2023-01-13T12:30:15,603 Data value is zero and insignificant (DefaultDataValueService.java [http-nio-8080-exec-55]) IDDkbGZy5b48GjXu85LcbORdKP64qJqMtOHi6Na+fxTlY=

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Good question! :+1:

There is an option in the Data Elements to choose whether zeros should be stored or not, so if the DE doesn’t have the option to store zero data values then the ‘zero is insignificant’ and will not be stored.

You need to check these two settings in your configuration:

From System Settings:

Data element metadata configuration:

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