Visualizing count of distinct values of data element

Hello everyone, I created an Event Program, in this program I take 11 different data elements as information. In my dataset, “MemberId” is a data element(Text type) and I want to create “count of distinct memberIds” as a single value visualization values in inserted events. And “Session Name” is also a data element(Text type) and I want to create “count of distinct session names” as a single value visualization values in inserted events.
What should I do? Please help.
Best regards.

Hello @cenggokhan V{event_count} may work for you?

You can achieve this using Program Rule and Program Indicators

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Thanks for replying. When I create Program Indicator and give V{event_count} it gives the count of all events, not distinct count of memberIds.

MemberId, SessionLength and … are data elements for event.
For example my events:
Date, MemberId, SessionLength, …
2019-09-09, Member1, 5, …
2019-09-10, Member2, 6, …
2019-09-11, Member2, 3, …

When I create a program indicator and use V{event_count}, in visualisation app it gives 3 as output. But in this example I have 2 distinct members (Member1 and Member2), and I expect to see 2 as output.
How can I handle this situation?
Thanks for your support.
Best regards.

I’m dealing with an aggregate model trying to create an indicator that is dependent on data element values. Can I use the same functions to get the # of data elements with a value for one or more data elements? Or can that only be done using event or tracker?

Hey @gawantang Did you get a solution?