Visualization- Stacked bar sorting

Hi there,

I am trying to sort the visualization by the values in ascending or descending order.

I have tried to set sorting order in the options

but is doesn’t help at all. It seems the visualisation can sort only by the DE\Indicators name.

Any suggestion?


Hi @Ulanbek

Thank you for the screenshots. What version of DHIS2 are you using and what is the version of the Data Visualizer app that is installed? Please see the following video, I’m able to sort from high to low and from low to high.

Would you like to share a favorite on any of the instances where the sort isn’t working?


Hi @Gassim

Thank you for your reply. I am using {
“app_name”: “Data Visualizer”,
“app_version”: “100.3.1”,
“dhis2_version”: “”,
“dhis2_revision”: “e76864d”
and can’t make sorted the charts.

Have no idea what is wrong…

Hi @Gassim ,

I found the root of the cause of the chart’s a such strange behavior.

It was caused by the empty data for the given period. There were 2 years 2022 and 2024, and then I have tried to add the year 2024. As soon as I added year 2024, where no data yet, the stacked bar started behaving as shown above.

So I believe it would be an additional knowledge and task for the developers, to look at.

Thank you