Tracker allows countries to customize individual-level workflow related to the management and reporting of specific diseases and health programs, and Android allows these systems to be used even down at the lowest levels of the health system. This session will look at various tracker implementations focused on Hepatitis, Immunization, TB, and others, exploring the impact of these new data systems on decision making and client management.
Great presentation @ChipoChitambi : At Facility level how many cadres use the App for data collection, and what has been your experience in areas with poor internet connectivity.
The App is used by District staff. Each mentoring visit is done by a team of one or two district staff using one tablet. So that 13 cadres. One for each district.
In areas with poor internet connectivity, as long as the data collector logs into the app in advance, we have not had any issues. We collect the data offline and synchronize to the server when back to a place of good internet coverage.
@Eric_Munyambabazi : How do deal with data quality issues manual system vs tracker entries. At which point is tracker updated.
Tracker is updated on a daily based on the entries in the Unit TB register (Which Manual). Once updates are entered in the register, data is transfered to the TB tracker. The Plan is to slowly keep tracker of the electronic entries and subsequently move completely to electronic version