User Invitation not received via email

Hi all,

We trying to send an user invitation in 2.31 but the email is not received by the individual after some 30 mins and we tested this twice. I am unable to test this on playdemo because the admin user doesnt have permissions to send out invitations.


Elmarie Claasen

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Just tested and it’s working for me.
Did you create the user invitation using User app or web api ?
Could you check the server log and see if there is any related errors.
Below is the log when the email sent out successfully.

 INFO  2018-12-13 18:01:08,549 Sending email to user: testInvite with email address: ( [qtp725177729-17])
* INFO  2018-12-13 18:01:13,368 Email sent using host: with TLS: true ( [qtp725177729-17])
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hi Viet,

I created it using the User app because we have users needing to use the frontend to send user invitations.

I will check the logs and see what the issue is thanks

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