useDataQuery only works with static

I have a challenge. I can not use dynamic variable in dictionary.
selectedtei is a function the parameter. Using it with the dictionary recognizes it as empty

   const sb = `${selectedtei}` //does not work
   const sb = selectedtei  //does not work
  // checking the output in console for both 
   console.log(sb) displays the accurate variable value - SBjuNw0Xtkn
   const sb = "SBjuNw0Xtkn" works
  // checking the output in console 

  I checked the typeof, all string

   const getSelected = {
                               resource: 'trackedEntityInstances',
                               params: {

                                   trackedEntityInstance: sb

I have also used the approach passing the variable as an argument with userDataQuery and the result are all the same below…

const query = {
results: {
params:({trackedEntityInstance}) => ({
trackedEntityInstance: trackedEntityInstance

/** does not work ***/
const { loading, error, data } = useDataQuery(query, {
variables: {
trackedEntityInstance: selectedtei

/** works ***/
const { loading, error, data } = useDataQuery(query, {
variables: {
trackedEntityInstance: “SBjuNw0Xtkn”
Can some body help me use dynamic variable.

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I used a component. It is fine now.