Uploading Option Sets using the BIF


I’m attempting to upload a list of new Option sets using the BIF; I’m 95% sure that the data is correct and complete in my CSV file, however I’m consistantly getting the error message:
“Non unique option code: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 77, 99”

I am aware that within an option set there must be unique option codes (which there are in all my new option sets), however, is it OK that they are not unqiue across option sets? I thought that was fine, and when I try to upload just one option set using the BIF, it does work, meaning the issue seems to be that I am trying to upload multiple sets at the same time…

Could anyone suggest what could be the issue here? I’m attaching my CSV in case there’s something I have missed…

Thanks in advance!
New option sets LADB_BIF Fixed.csv (16.9 KB)

Hi @lismail

If I understand correctly, you are using @BAO_Systems Import Foundry(BIF) app?

Did you try using the Import /Export app for this?

And what is the version of the app and the DHIS2 instance?