Upcoming “DHIS2 For Education” Webinar, Wednesday 2nd of March 2022, 12:00 (GMT+1)

Webinar on DHIS2 for Education, Wednesday 2nd of March 2022, 12:00 Oslo time (GMT+1)

Kindly note that the recording of the webinar on DHIS2 for Education is available on the DHIS2 Youtube channel . You will also find the presentations of the webinar here

Please add any questions or comments in the thread below!


Quick reminder :pray:

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Impressive web and Android applications by Saudigitus team. Would be really helpful if you could kindly share the tracker metadata configuration based on which the front-end apps are built on.


Very great application implementation, the module is interactive.
QN1: Is there a testing instance available for a detailed go through.
QN2: Can students parents be connected to notifications once certain modules are filled. i.e First term results.


Great work HISP Mozambique on the Learner tracker App. Is there flexibility of using the App to track teacher details, attendance and time spent on tasks or specific lessons?


The Apps are being developed using the metadata configured in the EMIS demo instance.

However, we are conceptualizing a Configuration App that can allow the configuration in different metadata configuration.


For the second question, DHIS2 has a built-in notification module, which allows you to send messages via SMS based on configurable/flexible triggers (e.g. a passing grade point average). This will need some work in setting up though, and usually also a contract with the telecom operators. Emails also available.


Thanks @mamuha.

Teacher details and attendance fit into the current model and the App can perform these operations.

Regarding the time spent in classes or tasks in a preliminary way, I can say yes, but it will depend on how the metadata are configured in DHIS2.

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If you would like to know more about the upcoming DHIS2 EMIS Academy to be scheduled on 25 - 29 April in the Gambia, please have a look at the EMIS Academy website here.


Dear participants

Kindly note that the recording of today’s webinar on DHIS2 for Education is available on the DHIS2 Youtube channel. You will also find the presentations of the webinar here.