Unique generated Attribute in Tracker not being possible to display as a Barcode [fixed]

I am using version 2.6 of Tracker

I am attempting to display a attribute of a text as a barcode, which is a unique generated code of 10 digets. The diigets are generated and visible, and can not be changed in the android app. But in the tracker android app I can not open this bar code, as I can with other that are not unique and automatically generated. The barcode symbol is just grey, and nothing happens when I click on it.

Do anyone know how I can open this unique generated text as a barcode? The purpose for this is to let another anroid user scan that barcode to find the same user as I am displaying.

Thank you so much for you help
Johannes Skjeie, UiO Resarch Track Student

Hi @johanfsk!

Thank you for posting to the community! Did you try different patterns? Is it possible if you share the pattern you used. Might as well please mention the steps to reproduce to ensure we’re doing the same steps.

My suggestion would be if this doesn’t work is that you could try to use a program rule to assign the TEA instead of the Pattern feature in the TEA attribute and see if that works.


Hi @johanfsk ,

I have tested and it seems there might be a bug in the version 2.5.2 which is probably the one you are using as the next version 2.6 has not been released. However I made some tests and this is fixed in the new version so you will have to wait until the release, probably during this month.

As you can see in the test (on the left I have 2.5.2 version and on the right 2.6, and I created an attribute autogenerated -that’s why it is grey- and gave the QR rendering option).

Please confirm this is what you were trying to achieve so we can look further otherwise.


Hi @jaime.bosque and @Gassim

Yes, what your test shows were what we were trying to achieve, but with bar codes instead of QR codes. The plan is to export these to a label printer, either as a screen dump or in another format, to create stickers with Barcodes corresponding to unique patient IDs that can be attached to health passports.

Yes, you are right about the version :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for your thorough response.

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Thanks @jaime.bosque and @johanfsk!

Hey @johanfsk . As expected I have verified the problem is the same being a QR code or a barcode. But gets fixed in the next incomming version :slight_smile:

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Just to follow up this has been marked as done in the Jira issue and will be available in the next release.

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