Unhelpful analytics error when no data is available for period

Steps which i tried in play.dhis2.org

Case scenario 1:

  1. Go to pivot app
    2.Create a table using DE or indicator
    3.Period type : today
    4.and save
    5.Go to dashboard and add the particular favorite pivot table in the dashboard
    6.Now from dashboard itelg open the table and it will open in data visualizer app.
    7.The error comes

Case scenario 2 :slight_smile:
Repeat the same steps using data visualizer app and use pivot table as the data visualizations and the same error comes.

Kindly fix this.

Thank you for reporting this! Would you like to create a Jira bug issue yourself and I will share it with @dhis2-platform. Thanks!

Hi Gassim,

Thanks i have created a jira ticket

  1. DHIS 2 Software
  2. DHIS2-11747
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Hi @Consultant, the jira ticket will be looked at. Thanks.

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